Sentences with phrase «into cruelty»

While sometimes these situations evolve into a cruelty - type situation, very often simple neglect cases can solved by having compassionate conversations.
When investigation into cruelty cases is needed, our tools can help you identify needs, accurately record information and move to a successful prosecution.
Local authorities have been looking into cruelty and neglect at some puppy farms as part of Assembly Government - funded projects.
I suppose that any story of Nazi Germany contains looks into the cruelty that existed and how many normal people were just trying to survive and do the best they could.
There are plenty of racist sentiments espoused by Foley's counterparts; the conduct of the Autodefensas often bleeds into cruelty; the picture begins and ends with footage of masked cartel members cooking meth and expressing their disappointment with what they are forced to do to survive.
I tried to venture into cruelty - free beauty products but it is just too difficult to find organic, cruelty - free and without mineral oil and silicone.
There will also be many who believe that his brand of satire crosses the line into cruelty too often.
Sexuality turned into cruelty, cynical exploitation, and destruction of others is certainly evil, and sexual behaviour which leads to mutual regard and loving growth can so far be called good.

Not exact matches

Whether it's negativity, cruelty, the victim syndrome, or just plain craziness, toxic people drive your brain into a stressed - out state that should be avoided at all costs.
Whether it's negativity, cruelty, the victim syndrome or just plain craziness, difficult people drive your brain into a stressed - out state that should be avoided at all costs.
The fast food industry's capacity to efficiently turn ingredients into meals implies a huge demand for the products of the cruelty - prone meat and dairy industries.
Conversations about emotional issues like animal cruelty can quickly devolve into heated arguments.
Pope John Paul II forcefully articulated this logic in his great but oft overlooked encyclical of 1980, Dives in Misericordia, where he affirms the importance of justice» meaning rights and desert» but goes on to argue that justice alone, detached from love and untempered by mercy, is prone to collapse into spite, hatred, and even cruelty.
Prophecy illuminates the past, present, and future by employing story and poetry to bring into sharp contrast the way things are with the way things should be with, the ways of power - hungry people with the ways of a loving God, the path of cruelty and injustice with the path of righteousness, the kingdoms of this world with the coming Kingdom of God.
At first glance, it seems like a harmless action and we would be tempted to ignore it until we dig deeper into the links between cruelty to animals and cruelty to humans, or until we begin to see the ox as a victim too.
A preacher narrates in dramatic detail the story of Karbala, working up the passions of the audience by dwelling on the most gruesome features of the tragedy and bringing into prominence the cruelties of Yazid and his generals.
He is not allowed to go into the tomb during the ceremony: a punishment, one supposes, for the cruelties practiced by the Crusaders against their Eastern brethren.
Some of the specific stimuli of my sober reflections have been the histories of the fiendishly diverse injustices, cruelties, tyrannies and butcheries human beings have inflicted on one another — in particular the long, appalling story of Jewish suffering at the hands of Christian Europe with its insane climax under the Nazis; Camus's searing reflections on our blood - soaked century; accounts of the horrors of plagues and epidemics at whose complete mercy human beings for so long existed; and insights of depth psychology into the character and influence of the unconscious, childhood and repression in our behavior.
And this, it will be observed, is carried over into the concept of the nature of God: God utters his judgments upon cruelty and inhumanity.
In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the dark Lord Sauron forged in secretl a master ring, to control all others and into this ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life.
The Greek historian Herodotus, author of «History of the Persian Wars» wrote just 25 years after the reign of Xerxes and provides some insight into his might and cruelty, including the fact that 500 young boys were gathered each year from the kingdom and castrated to serve as eunuchs in the Persian court.
10:22), while David loved God, but upon attaining power fell into infidelity and cruelty.
But the demonic passions unleashed in history lead to the theological question, «How does the powerful and creative love in the human spirit turn into brutal and destructive cruelty
When, however, this diversity of gods was gathered up into monotheism and, for the whimsical nature of the divine powers was substituted the ineffable goodness and justice of the one God, how then could the inequity and cruelty of man's experience be explained?
There are times when, with fear and dread, we will tolerate some measure of oppression for the sake of goals that are ultimately contributory to freedom, although we will not forget the self - deception with which we allow inescapable limitations on freedom to pass over into unnecessary cruelty.
And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.
Such asperity reflected deep frustration over the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow's continued rudeness (some would say, cruelty) to John Paul II and its nasty habit of throwing sand into the gears of the international Orthodox - Catholic dialogue.
MacTiernan said she warned exporters about the possibility of animal cruelty charges in 2017 following the release of a mortality investigation into another Emanuel Exports consignment, saying she would feel «morally and legally obliged to investigate».
P.S. if this recipe sets your heart a-flutter and you want to branch out into even more cruelty - free recipes inspired by the flavor and texture of bacon, you'll want to stay tuned.
For nearly a century, animal agribusiness has forced farm animals into factory - like conditions, subjecting them to unspeakable cruelties: confining them in cages so small they can barely move, overcrowding them in massive warehouses, cutting off parts of their bodies without painkillers and more.
Cattle were shown having their leg tendons slashed, eyes gouged, and throats slit while fully conscious — a tragic reprise of our 2006 investigation into live export cruelty in Egypt.
I feel uneasy that I am supporting Arsenal now, and that any of my money goes into supporting blood sports and animal cruelty.
I think the easy venom towards formula can turn into easy cruelty towards moms who must formula - feed or supplement.
«Taking the law into our hands in the manner the perpetrators of the act did was an act of cruelty.
At 1 p.m., supporters of over 150 people on a hunger strike inside ICE detention centers rally and picket at Hillary Clinton's campaign offices, calling on the 2016 Democratic presidential candidates to «turn their future promises into current support for those suffering abuse and cruelty in detention,» 1 Pierrepont Plaza, Brooklyn.
Only by pulling back the veil of secrecy, informing citizens of the atrocities that their tax money is funding and holding experimenters accountable for abusing animals in the name of science when more reliable, cruelty - free options exist, can we hope to bring scientific research into the modern age.
Central New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CNYSPCA) provide many services for the animals in our area, including adoption, education, spay / neuter programs, and investigation into animal cruelty.
These are eight of the clean, green and cruelty - free beauty trends that will be elbowing their way into your social media feed in 2018.
Products like this, and the company's cruelty - free status, are turning me into a real NYX fan.
I'm really into Klairs, the vegan and cruelty - free Korean - beauty line that prioritizes using simple ingredients in order to help those with sensitive, problem - prone skin.
Save the Duck is a smart and ethical company that looks to the future, not just to capture the new trends and transform them into cutting - edge collections, but even more so to strive for a shared objective: living in a totally animal - cruelty - free world.
If you're into low - key brands that are not only cruelty free but look out for the girls who love natural beats and light - weight makeup, look no further than Winky Lux.
So cheers to todays «cruelty - free» outfit, which is still very much summer appropriate, while the leather looking pieces gives it some edge and is subtly transforming it into a more autumnal one...
The cruelty - free eye shadow brush can wedge into the tiniest creases to blend and soften any edges.
PRO TIP: If you are opting for a softer look, blend your eyeshadow with a cruelty free smudger brush into a «c» shape to diffuse the harsh angles of the «v.
It's so nice to have more cruelty - free & vegan makeup products to welcome into my life!
Here are a few pieces you can work into your everyday wardrobe to update your current collection without cruelty — not even your piggy bank will suffer!
A commentary featuring producer Jeremy Thomas and Ben Kingsley is your usual run - of - the - mill back - patting session, though the pair does intermittently provide deeper insight into the making of the film, and it's admittedly fascinating to hear the soft - spoken and eloquent Kingsley articulate the process by which he gave life to Don Logan while he observes the sheer cruelty of the character on screen.
The moment where Sergio Leone, anonymous costume drama hack turned into Sergio Leone, keen stylist and poet of cruelty.
His father David rules with cruelty and his mother Eleanor has retreated into self medication and booze.
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