Sentences with phrase «into drinkable»

Current methods of transforming salty sea water into drinkable water are land - and energy - intensive and are often powered by non-renewable sources of energy.
If you are one of the millions of people who enjoys an occasional drink, Team Catalyst is making something you definitely want to check out — their technology uses a process that turns air, water, and electricity into drinkable spirits.
Using water efficiently also means treating sewage and recycling dirty water into a drinkable form, he adds.
A jar's worth of juice is used each day, so collecting fruit to distill into drinkable stores is vital to your survival.
But in places where water is hard to come by, or there isn't much rainfall year round, desalinizing salt water into drinkable water is an alternative.
For the purposes of spaceflight or a space station, a water - recovery system collects urine from the astronauts and condensation from the cabin air and, through a series of chemical treatments and filters, turns that moisture into drinkable water.
For those times when you buy as many quarts of berries as you can carry, then don't know what to do with them, preserve them into drinkable form.

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They brewed some very potent wine and dropped water into it, thus bringing the wine back down to drinkable and also getting their liquid somewhat more safely.
A teaspoon of this green powder in a glass of water is perfectly drinkable, but it is even better mixed into my morning oatmeal.
I almost feel like I'm cheating when I put a huge bunch of leaves, together with some fruit and powders into a blender, and end up with a pleasant and smooth, drinkable meal, that I can consume in a few minutes and continue on with my day.
Our Smoothie Oats are so cleverly milled, that they turn any cold drink into an on - the - go drinkable snack.
Then, to turn the tangy elixir into a cooling, drinkable glassful, I topped a few spoonfuls off with super cold seltzer.
After just two days of room - temperature culturing, water kefir is born, resulting in a lightly fizzed, very slightly alcoholic, sweet - tart water beverage; milk changes into a fizzy, sour, drinkable yogurt.
Now, Pittsburgh beer lovers won't be going thirsty either as Lizarondo joins forces with the city's East End Brewing and area homebrewers to turn stale, unwanted breads from Five Points Artisan Bakeshop into a highly drinkable craft beer called LOAF.
Because to buy Amanda Chantal Bacon's drinkable potions is to buy into the idea that you can support your brain, your sex life, your skin, and sure, even your soul through a $ 9 bottle of turmeric Golden Tonic.
He also said that he would immediately move to put parts of the city's third water tunnel into use in Brooklyn and Queens, budgeting $ 21 million to disinfect those portions of the tunnel, which he said would be filled with drinkable water as a backup to the existing system.
100 years ago, it was not possible to kale a whole bunch of raw kale and pulverize it into tiny bits that were drinkable.
These developing countries can overcome water scarcity by turning sewage waste into clean drinkable water using Janicki's Omniprocessor.
It looks as though the onboard desalinization systems that take salt out of seawater to make it drinkable, were taking - in radioactive water from the ocean for the crew to drink, cook with and bath - in, before anyone realized there was a massive radiation spill into the ocean.»
The water purification system was clearly her favorite solution of the bunch as it removed the sediment and other harmful contaminants from rain or river water and transformed it into safe, drinkable water for her family.
Water purification and desalination equipment can turn dirty water or sea water into clean drinkable water, but many of the existing water solutions, on top of being rather costly, also require additional inputs, from energy to materials, and other than passive solar stills (which tend to have low yields), there aren't a whole lot of other options, especially if portability and affordability are factored in to the equation.
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