Sentences with phrase «into feast»

It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Tuck into a feast of prawns, lobster, king crab, mud crab, oysters...
Tuck into a feast of prawns, lobster, king crab, mud crab, oysters and scallops accompanied by a selection of delicious sauces including ponzu, Mary Rose, mignonette, nam jim, and more.
A relaxing way to enjoy the laid back vibe of the island is to enjoy a Sunday Brunch, waking when you like and sauntering into a feast.
The picturesque wooden chalets laden by snow in the winter, transform into a feast of colour during the summer.
Treehouse Brewing's American Brown Ale BEAR is the beer of choice for Mike and Cole to hash out the first (and hopefully only) superhero movie to make it into the Feast.
My Thanksgiving Menu - Turn your Thanksgiving menu into a feast that's both traditional and tasty with our perfect recipes for a wonderful holiday spread.
Here, I use the fruit to make toast three different ways, transforming a simple snack into a feast for senses.
The additional heat from the X-rays caused the gas to expand away from the black hole, helping to keep the snack from turning into a feast.
Here, I use the fruit to make toast three different ways, transforming a simple snack into a feast for senses.
Turn store - bought tomato soup into a feast - worthy dinner with these simple upgrades.
They showed me how the humblest of ingredients could be turned into a feast, utilizing a wide array of vegetables and herbs along with unique spice combinations.
I would lie back with my boyfriend with a plate or raw chocolate brownies, coconut ice cream and berries tucking into the feast as I sing along.
This is also sublime with diced apricots or the fresh pears of fall and can turn an omelet and baguette supper into a feast.
One can dig into this feast of themes in two ways.
The opportunity to come into that feast was still there, I just had to respond.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.»

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Aria Ristorante chef, Eron Novalski shows how you can turn your leftovers into a work lunch feast.
What you do is, go into your Facebook settings, click the Apps icon on the left rail, and then feast your eyes on up to a decade's worth of giving your data to Facebook apps for free.
Epiphany, the feast of the shining, is here and we are expected to walk in his radiance as he guides us into the way of peace.
Very Rev Andrew Dunn, Dean of Southwark Cathedral, told Premier: «I would be encouraging, on this feast of Pentecost, for people to remember the Spirit drove those apostles out of the place where they'd taken refuge from terror and into the streets, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in every language to every people and thrilling their hearts.
Having celebrated with music and incense the glorious Pentecostal feast, I suddenly found myself unceremoniously dumped into «The Ninth Week in Ordinary Time.»
In doing so it will give us a greater understanding of the dignity and importance of both men and women, bringing insights into all sorts of aspects of the Mass (its nuptial meaning, its unity with the Marriage Feast of the Lamb in Heaven) and much more.
There has also been a deliberate attempt to develop our particular situation into a strong culture for the College, mainly rooted in traditions that staff experienced in their own schools a generation ago, or in revivals of medieval traditions, such as that of the boy - bishop (a boy rules the College for a day on the feast of St Nicholas.)
As the ancient Hebrews turned the mundane calendar into a sacred calendar of holy feasts, and as the early Christians turned the Roman calendar into a sacred calendar of Christian days and seasons, so the practice of the disciplines can create a sacred rhythm to our days, weeks, months and years.
The Roman Catholic Church has splintered into the relativizers whose chief concern is to justify the right of priests to remarry, and the Americanizers whose papacy is located in Cicero, whose Latin mass culminates with the singing of the national anthem, and whose high feast day is Property Rights Sunday.
The time of the feast is the time of the reversal of Is 65:13 - 15, when «the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.»
His parables frequently end with a «punch line» that presents a challenge to conventional expectation: the scorned Samaritan is the «good» one who proves neighbor to the victim on the Jericho Road; those who come to work late at the harvest are provided the same reward as those who toiled all day; the wayward prodigal son is the one who is feasted; the prayer of a repentant sinner is more acceptable to God than that of a righteous Pharisee.9 Shorter sayings make the same point: A camel could pass through a needle's eye more easily than a person of great wealth can enter into God's inbreaking realm (Mt 19:24).
After the 40 days and nights you will come with Me into the skies above Jerusalem and we will leave from there to have a celebration, a banquet in My Father's house, a feast that has been planned before the worlds were made.»
Word got around that Jesus had put little expense and preparation, humanly speaking, into this meal; in fact, the whole feast had appeared from a boy's portion.
Born into a well - to - do military family (on the Feast of the Assumption, 15 August 1930), presented at court and married to an army officer, Chiara Hatton - Hall set up a riding school, in the idyllic Kentish countryside, for the international social elite.
Remember the guy who tried to get into the wedding feast without the proper attire?
In fact, though many read «hell» into Jesus» statement in Matthew 22:13 about the outer darkness and the weeping and gnashing of teeth, this imagery has nothing to do with hell at all, but simply portrays the profound regret which is experienced by those who are outside the hall of the wedding feast.
What do you say when Jesue turned water into to wine at the marriage feast?
So they went there, and attended a wedding feast where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine (John 2:1 - 12).
When, at the same time, church folk in Georgia actively looked with longing and trust to the image of children of all races sitting in the same classrooms, their vision of the feast without end conditioned their present and drove them into positions of advocacy and political action in behalf of their dream.
When the bridegroom was announced the maids with their trimmed lamps were ready to go into the marriage feast.
I have always thought the parrabell of the feast was to do with the Church of believers being less committed than they should, and a warning that all those that say Lord Lord may not necessarily enter into His Rest.
Aside from some loud and tearful contention over our choice of baby dolls — during the actual liturgy, a pink - romper - wearing, crayon - disfigured pretender to the role of John the Baptist kept trying to insinuate itself into the proceedings — everything went smoothly, and we hope that the whole feast thing will have been enough of a liturgical mnemonic that people will be begging us to repeat it this time next year.
Thence arose the agricultural festivals, such as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Tabernacles, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Harvest, whose origin was read back into the Mosaic Law but whose existence could have had no meaning until the Israelites were in Canaan.
Surely what matters is that Christ manifested Himself to the gentiles, ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us and left behind the Eucharist for which we show gratitude on the feast of Corpus Christi.
But there are still those who have not forgotten our true history and those who have not will be welcomed into your great hall and feast with song and dance and the mead will flow all though the night.
Like many other carols, this rarely sung verse of «Joy to the World» leads us into the profound mystery of the Christmas feast.
But looketh not upon the dirty dishes after the feast, lest ye be turned into a pillar of salt!
In this beautiful movie the old people go out into the night after dining on a sublime banquet — a foretaste of the heavenly feast.
Today's feast reminds us that God reveals himself as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that in our life of faith we are called into relationship with the one God who is three persons.
Jesus brought a community into being by feasting with strangers and sinners, actions that served «to inaugurate and enact God's work of welcoming all, pouring the Spirit out on all flesh.»
To whomever God is «real and ever close,» death is, indeed, a «station on the road to freedom,» even «the highest feast,» because one who acted responsibly may now step from the twilight of all our actions into the light of God.
James Martin notes Newman's unusual feast day, the anniversary not of Newman's «entrance into Heaven,» but of his entrance into, as Newman himself put it, «the Church of Christ.»
When, then, he came into Galilee the Galileans received him, having seen everything that he had done in Jerusalem at the feast; for they themselves had gone to the feast.
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