Sentences with phrase «into flexion»

Place your spine into a slight extension to elongate your belly muscles, inhale, and then start rolling the roller toward you while rounding your spine into flexion in the shape of a nautilus shell.
You stated, «Secondly, you are correct in that having a level of muscle tension that makes bringing the feet and legs up into flexion and toward the mouth at 6 months of age is not super expected.»
We don't want to be rounded into this, we want to really use the hip flexors to pull your hips into flexion and keep that lower back nice and flat.
This movement is a rehearsal of the squat movement pattern, reinforces a neutral spine while you move into a flexion pattern.
Take one wrist of your partner firmly in hand, while with the other hand tries to bring their hand into flexion.
You can see that the erector spinae muscles draw the sacrum into flexion (nutation) and the muscles of the pelvic floor (especially the pubococcygeus) draw the bone into extension (counternutation).
For Ardha Navasana, keep your legs and torso about six to eight inches from the floor, clasp your hands behind your head, and let your spine come into some flexion.
But where your back begins to go into flexion when you're doing the all - fours test, that's where you'd want your descent to stop if you were performing weighted back squat.
Similarly, since previous studies have found that knee flexion leads to increased gluteus maximus EMG amplitude through active insufficiency of the hamstrings, placing the knee into flexion during back extensions might also be expected to increase gluteus maximus EMG amplitude during back extensions.
An MET stretch is performed in the following way, using the hamstrings as an example: The therapist moves the hip into flexion, with the athlete on their back, until they encounter the point of resistance - where the movement stiffens, due to tightness in the hamstrings.
These poses put your spine into flexion and extension which is great to wake things up.
Your back muscles pull your spine backwards (into extension), and your stomach muscles pull your spine forwards (into flexion).
It is common to see users allow the weights to drop and, in so doing, rapidly push their spine into flexion.
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