Sentences with phrase «into generalizations»

2 — You might slide into generalizations that blur the message.
That's just my opinion though, based on VERY limited observation — if you don't fit into my generalizations, PLEASE don't feel like I'm insulting you personally!
Rationalization: Theology is the movement of uniqueness, which it justifies, into generalization.
One must know concrete instances first; for, as Professor Agassiz used to say, one can see no farther into a generalization than just so far as one's previous acquaintance with particulars enables one to take it in.
I also wasn't trying to pass judgment on her either, I completely respect her decision not to have children, but I just didn't like how she turned her personal view into a generalization about women in the art world.
I don't buy into the generalization that every individual who shops the 7 - series is only concerned with image or has money to burn.

Not exact matches

• Rather than examine hard evidence, she deals in trifles and inflates them into richly colored balloons of generalization.
From the selection of memory as a paradigm of experience, and from the generalization of the paradigmatic intuition of the past, temporal ordering and structure are built into the very conceptual bone and muscle of the theory of experience which Hartshorne constructs and proposes.
A kind of rational intuition is needed to perceive the general principles which are there ready - made in actuality.6 Or if patterned on the genetic - functional model, the generalizations have as their subject - matter «distinctions that arise in and because of inquiry into the subject - matter of experience - nature, and then they function or operate as divisions of labor in the further control and ordering of its materials and processes» (DWP 175).
In a personal communication, Marjorie Grene suggested that prehension seems to be a generalization of Heidegger's Geworfenheit, i.e., Dasein's being «thrown» into a prestructured world.
Imaginative generalization is a method of discovery which seeks to recapture the unity of experience by successive insights into the overall interconnectedness of actual entities.
Generalization is dangerous here too, but it is safe to say that liberation theology is characterized by an emphasis on the experience of oppression and a Marxist - inspired social analysis that divides society into oppressor and oppressed.
What space is conceived to be must depend to some extent on what it contains and what it does; oversimplified abstractions defining location are a danger when science erects them into «theoretical» or when common - sense makes them into «practical» generalizations that are put forward as exhausting the concrete situation.
It starts from the ground of particular observation; it makes a flight into the thin air of imaginative generalization; and it again lands for renewed observation rendered acute by rational interpretation.
But with them the activity of abstraction, generalization, and inference came into its own.
But this generalization is true only when paternal engagement, emotional expressiveness, warmth and praise are figured into the equation, Conservative Protestant men have a way to go in demonstrating fairness with their wives, who increasingly choose to be in the paid work force.
I have generalized something which started with Driesch's entelechy Into what seemed a justifiable generalization.
One begins with a restricted generalization descriptive of phenomena encountered in one field of inquiry (e.g., physics, physiology, psychology, etc.); one then (as he says) «makes a flight into the thin air of generalization» — framing the description to cover all actualities — finally landing again to see how the theory squares with observed fact in areas other than the one from which the inquiry began.
The difficulty of fitting Buddhism into broad generalizations about «authentic and lasting religious experiences» raises a broader question about the coherence of positing a mutual normativity of different religious traditions.
Its flight is the «imaginative generalization» of ideas drawn from that particular domain of experience into the lofty sphere of logical, coherent principles.
This unfortunately falls into the same generalization and isn't as fiery as it could be.
I attribute this to several unflattering generalizations about American TV - viewing and fitness habits, but to get into that would distract me from the point of this article.
We hate generalizations, and some may be totally off (or you could fall into more than one category — I actually fall into several, LOL), so just have fun with it!
I so dislike sweeping generalizations that bunch everyone into ONE perspective only.
«It therefore calls upon the security agencies to do a thorough investigation into the identities of the suspected gunmen in order to stop this dangerous generalization of labelling certain tribe or people of certain faith as responsible for these attacks.
Using Jarzynski and Crooks» formulation, he derived a generalization of the second law of thermodynamics that holds for systems of particles with certain characteristics: The systems are strongly driven by an external energy source such as an electromagnetic wave, and they can dump heat into a surrounding bath.
Such generalizations are convenient, but a closer look at Saffir — Simpson reveals the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) packs a lot of information into each category.
These calculators tend to make broad, sweeping generalizations on activity level, and fail to take into account the nearly infinite variables introduced over the course of a full day (e.g. how far away one parks from the store, and how many cups of coffee consumed which controls how many hours an individual spent at her desk twitching her leg, these and more can all blow calorie calculations out the window).
The site obliges gatherings of people from everywhere throughout the world that are hoping to get into an interracial relationships and go past generalizations.
So much here is rife for broad satire — a man who lives out of his wallet, has compartmentalized his life to fit into a single carry - on bag, and argues about the joys of independent, single living only to meet a seemingly ideal mate — but he is too concerned about his characters to descend to obvious observations or generalizations.
Let's stop this spiral into broad generalizations that do nothing to address the real issues that underlie the heart of educational equity.
Diving into the data surrounding the charter versus District - run debate begs the question: Just what do we know, beyond the sweeping generalizations?
While generalizations are «generally» bait for arguments, I think I am on fairly safe ground in saying the overwhelming majority of authors I have met through various groups and conferences fall into one of three motivational categories.
That's common when making generalizations about an area into which all of New England and Pennsylvania could fit!
In light of the differences I found between cross-listed and non-cross-firms, grouping cross-listed and non-cross-listed stocks into one basket biases results and produces unfounded generalizations and conclusions.
Well, let's make a generalization and say that an investor can put his cash into either stocks or bonds or some mix of the two.
And then they get into the nuts and bolts of clicker training, from planning criteria and delivering timely clicks and treats to through training techniques to stimulus control (the dog does what you ask when you ask it) and generalization (the dog can do the behavior in any setting regardless of distractions).
Obviously these are generalizations, there are «hardcore games» for the Wii and Wii U just as there are kid / family focused games for the PS / Xbox but the perceptions of these systems seems to drive the type of game development for them, and the majority seem to fall into these categories.
Courbet's Studio may be seen in part as a translation into contemporary, concrete, personal terms of the Fourierist generalizations written in red letters beneath the sketch itself, of Papety's grandiose but never completed project.
It's about what myths or generalizations you can get people to buy into
I'm not making a generalization when I say that there is a kind of art that fits into this situation of speed.
Alongside masterpieces by other artists concerned with societal generalizations and longstanding issues of identity, this specific Untitled work was included in the 2006 exhibition Into Me / Out of Me at MoMA P.S. 1.
*** «Perhaps concern over «uncertainty» in complex, adaptive, open systems should be investigated by inductive generalization from observations of the dynamics of a wide range of such systems: ecosystems, social systems, computer systems, immune systems, economic systems... It is curious that the following things are never admitted as «facts about the world,» but here goes: the observer would note of all of these systems that they undergo oscillations within apparent parameters and occasionally flip into new regimes; they often demonstrate novel emergence; and that increased forcing, whether of native elements or exotic ones, increases the rates of oscillation and catastrophic shifts, sometimes after a quieter period of sub-threshold build - up.
The narrative of climate change tends to get boiled down into one of two false generalizations: it is totally certain (we have five years to save the planet!)
What do you call someone who opens a blog post with a false accusation, segues into an unfounded generalization, slams credible scientists without justification, cites research out of context, and picks apart an argument no one ever made — all, apparently, to keep his fragile ideological worldview intact, even at the expense of the global economy?
The mainstream media in Toronto has resorted to name calling and hyperbolic generalizations about Toronto cyclists in an effort to shame cyclists into blindly obeying laws that were designed primarily for motor vehicles... Cyclists in North America already get the short end of the stick and there is already enough animosity on our streets.
It demands close attention to factual details that matter; a winnowing out of details that don't matter; a reliance on concrete facts coupled with a disavowal of breezy generalizations and characterizations; a building up of facts into step - by - step arguments from which conclusions naturally follow; the marshaling of reasons that will earn the respect even of an opposing audience; a dialectical approach in which countervailing facts and counterarguments are carefully disarmed; a defense not of the first positions you might take, but of the best ones; and, at least in your early development as a legal writer, a stripped - down style that contains not a whiff of ornate embellishment.
Using a lot of generalizations and promises about how your side is better without getting into why
That's common when making generalizations about an area into which all of New England and Pennsylvania could fit!
Do not fall into the trap of including generalizations on your resume.
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