Sentences with phrase «into going to marriage counseling»

Have you tried to cajole your husband into going to marriage counseling and gotten a dismayed, «We don't need that.»

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On rare occasions, some people who being divorce mediation decide to go into marriage counseling and stay together.
To me, it is a statement that the marriage is in trouble and could perhaps end in a divorce unless the parties go into counseling.
If you are going into marriage counseling with your mind already made up about getting a divorce, you probably aren't going to come out of your therapy sessions feeling successful.
Like other online relationship counseling options, with the Power of Two Online you don't have to sit in a counselor's waiting room with other patients, you're not going to accidentally run into someone you know at the doctor's office, and you don't have to sit in a room with a total stranger and talk about your marriage.
Couples that go into marriage counseling to repair current challenges and prevent future problems are far more successful in reaching their relationship goals than couples who are seeking services in a last attempt to avoid a divorce.
If you were to get a room of divorced couples together and ask them if they received marriage counseling advice and if so, why didn't it work, we're willing to bet that most of them will admit that they went to see a counselor too late into their marriage.
Now if we were seeing both of you in marriage counseling, we would be able to go deeper into these assumptions.
And so we asked Matt Staver, who runs the Liberty Counsel and goes into court for them — they're the group opposing gay marriage that went into court in California — to briefly explain to us what arguments he is actually using in court, the legal arguments to defend a traditional marriage clause.
If your spouse won't go to marriage counseling, you might feel betrayed or unwanted, but pushing your spouse into counseling against his or her will can be just as damaging as the problems that led you to therapy in the first place.
With an online program you don't have to sit in a counselor's waiting room with other patients, you're not going to accidentally run into someone you know at the doctor's office, and you don't have to talk about your marriage with total strangers as you do with in - person, remote, or group counseling sessions.
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