Sentences with phrase «into grade level meetings»

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Student cards, broken down by grade level, are sorted into green, yellow, and red plastic holders on the wall by whether they are meeting standards, are just shy of proficiency, or are falling well off target.
Bringing your leadership skills into your grade level collaboration meetings will set a positive framework for the many changes that are upon us as we embrace the Common Core Curriculum.
Middle level and high school students deserve to have access to the same high quality education that they receive in the early grades, and the failure to meet students» needs in the latter years of their educational experience often translates into lower performance and higher drop - out rates.
Canty, whose program placed 68 candidates in 38 schools last spring, says some schools insist on plugging candidates directly into grade - level teams and professional communities, who then decide how and where candidates best fit in to help meet student needs.
The professional learning from the whole group sessions rolled into the more focused and differentiated work during PLC meetings in which grade level teams worked with other staff members to revise their instruction to ensure that all students stayed engaged.
These strategies and practices integrate seamlessly into the Learning - Focused Instructional Framework in order to personalize instruction and accelerate learning so all students meet or exceed grade - level expectations.
You don't have to do a structured modules and teach it through the professional development office, you could you know, going into professional learning communities, PLC time, going into grade - level meetings, going into department meetings, you can listen to what and tailor the resources from Colorín to really individual needs of teachers or departments or PLCs.
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