Sentences with phrase «into hibernation»

After spending most of the summer running around the city meeting up with friends, I start to go into hibernation mode when the weather gets cooler.
When couples go into hibernation mode together, it helps them to form a more intimate connection without external distractions.
To avoid any kind of catastrophe, the reptiles went into hibernation for millions of years before being awakened by secret nuclear experiments in a Welsh mine.
Fingers crossed, though, that this coat can go back into hibernation for the rest of the year.
The lander's tilted position meant that the comet's surface partially blocked Philae's antenna, making communication difficult, and the shady spot meant that the craft could not charge its solar panels, so Philae went into hibernation after just three days on the comet's surface.
Revive what has fallen into hibernation mode, let go of old habits or crappy jobs for that matter.
The spacecraft was put into hibernation mode in 2011 after twice scanning the entire sky, thereby completing its main objectives.
Summers make me dull, I am a total winter girl, I go into hibernation during summers.
But then, it was the last that anything significant was heard of the ExoPC and it seemed it might have slipped into hibernation since then.
Could polar bears slip into a hibernation - like state to tough out lean hunting during summers with little sea ice?
A UPS unit would, at minimum even with a very small unit, provide a window of time where your computer could be gracefully shut down or sent into hibernation mode and brought back online once the power outage or other power situation was resolved.
I'll be getting as much wear out while I can this week, because it might have to go back into hibernation when I get back to NYC next week.
Once the drama dies down, she goes back into hibernation until the next time.
After employees go home, the software puts their PCs into hibernation by automatically adjusting power management settings — and overriding any changes the employees may have made during the day.
The result is very bold and stylish, especially for ladies who are not falling into hibernation even in winter.
Holidays are fun but even the healthiest people suffer from seasonal excesses and then retreat into hibernation mode mid winter.
A battery - saving feature introduced with Android 6.0 Marshmallow (see below) that forces unused apps into a hibernation mode.
Bird migrations may change Some animals will wake up from hibernation earlier and go back into hibernation later... how would this affect their food supply?
In light of the Sandy Hook shootings, the National Rifle Association has gone into hibernation on almost every front, including a social media blackout.
It's been 10 years since I ran my first survey of online gamers, and a great 6 years running the Daedalus Project, but time has come for me to put the project into hibernation mode.
Romney and the Republicans can go back into hibernation while America gets repaired.
Philae went into hibernation not long after, leaving mission scientists...
We have all experienced this or know of someone who just seemed to take a Winter Sabbatical and went into hibernation like some of the bears do in the cold winter days.
A complex mix of factors sends grizzly bears into hibernation.
Between the sun setting at 4:30 PM and temps making its way into the low twenties, I might be going into hibernation earlier than expected.
During the summer, the abundance of small animals allows a solitary wolf to hunt with relative ease, but when winter arrives, most of the smaller prey go underground into hibernation.
Although I finally learned the art of sourdough last year, my starter often goes into hibernation as life gets so busy as a freelance chef instructor and since I live alone, it takes a while for me to visit a loaf of bread, even if I often share with others.
With winter finally here, we're starting to settle into hibernation mode.
Lawyer Addison himself, after going into hibernation following the allegation, also surfaced in the media with a well - rehearsed defense to douse the charge of conflict of interest.
The altered protein may be an adaptation that helps the animals drift into hibernation.
«Vitamin deficiency «puts cancer cells into hibernation».»
Just like how a bear realizes it's going into hibernation soon and stores up extra fat to help during a time of potential starvation.
As the colder weather rolls in, our fitness routines often make their way into hibernation.
That means that your body has learned to put your bladder into hibernation for the night.
But that does not mean our fashion also needs to go into hibernation too.
I'm glad to hear that the arms have not gone into retirement just yet (although maybe into hibernation, during the colder months?).
I've really noticed this week that I'm already getting into hibernation mode, but I'm trying to fight the cold weather blues by keeping my fashion choices injected with color.
My dealing with the cold has basically put my legs into hibernation!
, it's time to start shifting my heavier pieces into hibernation.
Taking advantage of these last few days of August before I'm forced to put my gold espadrilles into hibernation for the fall and winter.
It's all too easy for me to cover up in a favourite pair of jeans and a warm knit at the very beginning of things starting to cool down and switch into hibernation mode.
It was only a prototype, but had slid into a hibernation since then.
As a result, we are putting our service into hibernation mode while we review our strategy on how to make Blloon rise again.
Your pocket pet can fall into hibernation within hours, so delving into a deep sleep after a big meal can signal the start of the cycle.
It is very precise with control input, but the fact that it can not run in the background and will stop if the system goes into hibernation holds this back from being a great Vita app.
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