Sentences with phrase «into human behaviour»

Even though I am a cultural anthropologist with academic insights into human behaviour, psychology, and consciousness, I won't bore you with long academic speeches that are miles away from your hands - on reality - most of what you read on these pages will have a firm root in experience, typically my own as a mother.
However, interpreting the data collected from volunteers» own smart phones — which has the potential to emulate randomised trials — can advance research into human behaviour.

Not exact matches

On the Crusades — «not the proudest moment in Christian history but nor were they the childish caricature of modern Western guilt and certainly not that of contemporary Muslim paranoia» — he goes into some detail to describe not only the background and the geopolitical state of things, but also the realities of human behaviour, both good and bad.
The dominant «neoclassical» model reduces the richness of human behaviour into equations based on exactly the simplistic psychology of «economic man».
When it comes into its full spiritual significance it begins to cut its own channels in human behaviour, but it has to cut them in the hard soil of human conditions.
The ability of biology to detail the organisation and constitution of life - forms, not just on a cellular level, but now also on a genetic and molecular level, and its description of how such factors canaffect the global behaviour of an organism, should be taken into account in the theological and philosophical discussion of free will, individual identity / personality, conscience, the soul, and other areas concerning human behaviour, especially in regard to morality.
As Gormally puts it «As Fr Rhonheimer has rightly noted, «not any intention can reasonably inform any act or behaviour: one can not swallow stones with the intention of nourishing oneself; nor, I would add, can one» deliberately ejaculate «into a condom» with the intention of remaining open «to serve the task of transmitting human life».
For example, in one of the better chapters, entitled «Human Justice and Animal Fairness», the reader is introduced to Maasai systems of gift - giving, game theory as applied to chimpanzee behaviour, canine sensitivity to fairness, rules of play among wolves and rats, before a brief detour into Martha Nussbaum's development of Rawlsian justice theory leads us to an extended discussion of Aquinas» understanding of justice as a virtue, acquired and infused.
The «resource turn» in egalitarian political philosophy, and the prioritisation within practical welfarism of resource redistribution by the nation - state, implicitly buy into the same impoverished view of human motivation — they abandon positions from which they could criticise the neoliberal perception of human behaviour, and serve to perpetuate its dominance rather than providing alternatives to undermine it.
This supports the theory first advanced several years ago that the arrival of early modern humans in Europe may have stimulated the Neanderthals into copying aspects of their symbolic behaviour in the millennia before they disappeared.
Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras at the UCM - ISCIII Joint Centre for Research into Human Evolution and Behaviour in Madrid, Spain, and his team studied 17 of the skulls (see photo).
Its study, titled «Imagined Speech Influences Perceived Loudness of Sound» and published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, offers new insights into the nature of brain activity.
by Bryant Frazer Watch enough movies, you get some insights into criminal activity and human behaviour.
In this fascinating book, Thomas Suddendorf weaves research from animal behaviour, child development, anthropology, psychology and neuroscience into a definitive account of what separates humans from other animals.
These gamified experiences feed into the innate sense of competition that drives human behaviour; they motivate and encourage, which is exactly what you want in your training program.
This program is intended for dog trainers, pet industry professionals, local and state government bodies and anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the latest research into dog behaviour, training and the importance to society of the human - animal bond.
«Don't Shoot the Dog» by Karen Pryor is a great introduction into animal learning behaviour — all animals, including human beings.
Studies into a dog's behaviour established they are a lot more focused and always ready for a new challenge that humans send their way, literally lapping up the experience with relish.
Exploring themes of fear, desire, vulnerability and isolation, Goodyear invites the viewer into a dark place where human psychologies and animal behaviour collide and merge.
From recent location - specific series such as The Hotan Project (2012 - 13) made in the Xinjiang province of China, his first London series titled Half Street (2013), as well as recent trips to make work in the UAE and Greenland, Liu has also created an automated painting machine entitled Weight of Insomnia (2016), which translates a digital video feed of traffic streams and human movement in real time into a new body of paintings tracing time, memory and behaviour.
Individually or in combination, these approaches tap into our human desire to play games, compete, cooperate — and be infected by other people's pro-social behaviour.
This Perspective describes how integrating human behaviour and risk perception into flood - risk assessment models may improve identification of effective risk - management strategies.
Big data can give remarkable insights into behaviour, spotting trends in human behaviour so you can take anticipatory action.
These professionals make sense of a business» data, helping to turn zeros and ones into actionable insights, whether that's changes in customer behaviour or new opportunities which haven't yet been spotted by human eyes.
It aims to make this immense field — the discoveries, the disorders, treatments, as well as insights into the human mind and behaviour — accessible to all.
The integration of human rights into existing relevant general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities will ensure the relevance and importance of human rights to students» learning — both as a body of knowledge and as values and principles to guide attitudes and behaviours — is highlighted throughout the Curriculum.
Just ahead of the holiday «diet obliteration» / «fall - off - the - good - behaviour - wagon» stretch through into the new year, I thought I might combine a common human dilemma with an iconic image of the holiday and / or winter season — the snowman.
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