Sentences with phrase «into hype»

Please don't get sucked up into the hype and big promises of the gurus!
California has a history of housing downturns and anytime somebody says «this time is different» you know the crowd is buying into hype.
Unfortunately, I bought into the hype during high school that I would be able to make a lot of money after attending college.
You don't have to turn it into a hype - filled commercial, and you don't have to pay a resume writer to end up with a good one.
Despite this, some aren't buying into the hype surrounding how the device was built, and with good reason.
This stage is characterized with retail participation, so do not be surprised if your friends and neighbors have decided to pull the trigger and buy into the hype, hoping for further gains.
I fell into that hype trap — I wanted to tell the world how good it was - at least with the caveat that you needed to ask me again after a few weeks.
As more retail investors buy into the hype and try to profit from the rise, they can sell out of their coins.
Should you buy into the hype?
I bought into the hype, and honestly couldn't tell a difference in speed between the two devices.
But don't buy into the hype that we're already starting to hear that Facebook Lite is a «Twitter - killer» — because that's not its intention at all right now.
Fred buys into the hype with $ 1,000 when both the Bitcoin price and Google search interest jump 30 % over the average for the past seven days.
«What I'm seeing from these raw numbers is that there is still movement within the firms (at least this single one I unscientifically surveyed),» Lambert writes, «but I'd be cautious to buy too much into the hype of secret layoffs without digging a little deeper into the facts surrounding the comings and goings of these attorneys.»
Buy into the hype - be my guest.
When she turns Hurricane Sandy into hype, more and more people have the historical data at their fingertips to refute her assertions and allegations.
Where hydro and geo - thermal weren't available, they picked either nukes or bought into the hype about solar / wind.
Well, that sort of depends how much you bought into the hype, I guess.
I always go way to far into the hype hole and the game suffers cause of it.
I have not been one to give into the hype of this game, but I thought it was smart of Sony to dedicate just a short trailer to the long - gestating game.
We could give into the hype and stretch our imagination further than elastic and say it was one of the greatest games ever, but that would be bending the truth (the brevity and the lack of exploring are our main complaints).
For now, though, I'm not going to buy into the hype.
I fell into the hype of rumors swirling that it would be free.
People that buy into this hype type of stuff are the ones that should be laughed at.
And we, as consumers, really need to make sure they do before we buy into the hype and pledge allegiance to a console that could just be a Wii U in disguise.
But I also think that it's important to be realistic about what we can expect from Switch and not just buy into the hype based on a three minute video of implausibly cool people playing video games at rooftop parties and on aeroplanes.
Child of Light was hyped up before release and even though the screen - shots clearly showed it was a beautiful looking game, and the fact that the developers behind the successful Rayman franchise was behind it I was actually lacklustre regarding the release and wasn't really reading too much into the hype as I have burned myself on doing so in the past, but once I finally got the game and sat down and played it I knew why this game got the hype it did, and here is what I think of Child of Light.
Most of the games to be shown in LA next month are already announced and are currently being forced into the hype funnel.
Armillo was one of the most hyped games for the Wii U's eShop, and since I bought into the hype, I just had to give the game a look!
That's because you bought into the hype and ended up with a dust collector to rival the early days of the PlayStation 3.
As with any form of entertainment, mileage may vary with how much you buy into hype versus how much you end up enjoying it.
However, I'll wait for a meatier demo before I give into the hype again.
Are stores growing weary of diving into the hype of future failures like the PSP Go, forty DS models that have little distinction and ending up with mass product that they can't get off the floor?
You people are so easily whipped - up into a hype that it's pathetic, and if nothing major is announced then suddenly it's the biggest disappointment ever.
I'm definitely one who gets sucked into the hype, but for some reason, Fortnite passed me by until a week or so before release.
We become excited, giddy children for a specific game, cave into the hype, and shell out $ 60 for it.
It's quite sad really that the biggest argument they could come up with was an entire article on the Japanese mag giving into hype.
It wasn't on my radar at all, but I bought into the hype and tried it out and it ended up being one of the best new IPs I've played since Uncharted... and of special note was that it may be the only game where I've found playing as a good guy even MORE rewarding than playing as a bad guy.
Some hilarious pre-launch press releases included phrases like «Answer guns with bigger guns,» and I felt myself getting swept up into the hype surrounding Just Cause 3.
We hope, but because of the industry, we try to hope small, to not buy into the hype.
It's too bad valve fell deep into the hype.
If you really want to get into hype then they could be referring to a new games console.
Don't buy into the hype.
I didn't think it was the genre for me, but I heard so much praise for it, that I kinda got sucked into the hype and bought it a couple of weeks ago.
NOTE: As I've said before I never got sucked into the hype BEFORE platforms were announced... just pointing that out since theres going to be the «Sony» related comment.
funny how you started your rant with «go away fanboy» and ultimately turned out to be even a bigger tool I bought into the hype and went the ps4 route this gen and i am completely disappointed at how such a powerful system cant run such a basic and bland OS without lags.
Some people buy into the hype.
If you want to travel more, whether it's more frequent trips or long - term travel, remember this: if you don't automatically buy into the hype of fancy new products and vacation packages, affordable travel can be a reality.
This implies not just frantically studying at prices, or buying into hype - filled advertising.
We have to make sure we don't get sucked into the hype of over-zealous salespeople and ask, ask, ask about all the details.
Rather than buying into the hype, consider selling the hype by selling covered calls.
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