Sentences with phrase «into kidney cells»

«The cryopreservant mixture must be able to get into the kidney cells, and must be gentle towards them,» Fahy says.
This is a gene that scientists can look for to find out if it — and the gene it now partners — made it into the kidney cell's DNA.

Not exact matches

Researchers also are developing techniques for assembling living cells into working biodevices — which could mean a solution for damaged internal organs, such as livers, bladders, and kidneys.
The team has already successfully repopulated pig kidneys with human cells, but Ott says further studies are vital to guarantee that the pig components of the organ do not cause rejection when transplanted into humans.
WHAT makes an unspecialised cell turn into a fully functional kidney, liver or blood cell?
Remarkably, given the complexity of the kidney, the cells differentiated into exactly those required in the different compartments of the organ.
«New gene editing technique turns human pluripotent stem cells into a model system for polycystic kidney disease.»
The researchers then used a 3 - D cell culture system to coax their mutant and healthy hPSCs down the differentiation pathway into becoming kidney progenitor cells and finally the proximal tubule cells found in kidney nephrons.
The researchers inserted the genes for the 25 subtypes into human kidney cells (an easier feat than working with real taste cells).
A researcher injects cells into a cadaver kidney that's devoid of cells.
Using normal kidney development as a roadmap, the BWH investigators developed an efficient method to create kidney precursor cells that self assemble into structures which mimic complex structures of the kidney.
After giving the cells a week to get used to each other, the scientists implanted the chimeric concoction into the protective tissue surrounding the kidneys of living mice.
The team then transplanted these cells into the kidney cavities of mice with a form of kidney anaemia.
In previous studies, researchers have successfully differentiated stem cells into heart, liver, pancreas or nerve cells by adding certain chemicals, but kidney cells have proved challenging.
«We have converted skin cells to stem cells and developed a highly efficient process to convert these stem cells into kidney structures that resemble those found in a normal human kidney.
The stem cells stick to the extracellular matrix gel, and then «self - organize» into miniature organs like retinas, kidneys, or the gut.
The cells were implanted into an adult mouse, beneath a membrane that surrounds the kidney.
In the mouse study, the insulin - producing cells were placed under the kidney capsule — a thin membrane layer that surrounds the kidney — where they developed into an organ - like structure with its own blood supply.
To confirm that these cells were, in fact, stem cells, the scientists transferred them into the kidneys of adult mice.
It found that patients who received a liver and kidney at the same time, or a liver alone, had fewer of the cells that leap into action to defend the body from an invader — known as killer cells or T cells — , compared with people who had a kidney transplant alone.
If large numbers of white blood cells get into the lungs or kidneys, or into transplanted organs, they can cause damage to healthy tissue.
One promising way to treat diseased or damaged kidneys is cell therapies that include the transplantation of renal progenitor cells, which can then develop into the cells needed for full recovery.
In those cases, the NPCs often matured into adult kidney cells in a manner of days, leaving no steady population of progenitor cells to study.
Hussain is working with companies that 3 - D - print artificial organs to integrate his fuel cell into an artificial kidney, where a range of bodily fluids would provide fuel.
After transplanting the human iPS cell - based kidney tissue into a mouse body, glomeruli connecting to mouse kidney capillaries formed.
The results, which appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), point to new avenues for research into the processes that direct cells to form functional kidney structures.
They could take a stem cell from a person and engineer it to go down a particular path and differentiate into a liver or a kidney or something like that.
A trained robotic surgeon experienced in the treatment of prostate, bladder and kidney cancer, Assoc Prof Chia said, «For anticancer drugs to achieve their best effectiveness, they need to penetrate into the tumour efficiently in order to reach the cystoplasm of all the cancer cells that are being targeted without affecting the normal cells.
These hybrid stretches of DNA were then incorporated into easily - cultured kidney cells.
We then coax a cell line made from an embryonic kidney into taking up the Trojan horse plasmid.
Four weeks after transplanting these cells into the kidney cavities of mice with a form of kidney anaemia, the treated animals had blood EPO levels 20 times higher than those in controls (Science Translational Medicine,
To create the repository, the researchers are taking blood cells from Gulf War veterans and «reprogramming» them into their «pluripotent» state, which can then be transformed into any type of cell, from a kidney to a neuron.
By transferring the gene for melanopsin into human embryonic kidney cells, synthetic biologist Martin Fussenegger of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and colleagues made these cells light - sensitive as well.
«This data allows classification of all human protein - coding genes into those coding for house - hold functions (present in all cells) and those that are tissue - specific genes with highly specialized expression in particular organs and tissues, such as kidney, liver, brain, heart, pancreas.
One of these tissue types, specifically the mesoderm, develops into skeletal muscle cells (along with other cell types, including cardiac muscle, kidney cells, red blood cells, and smooth muscle).
If they were permanent, ES cells would never be able to differentiate into heart, kidney, brain, bone, skin and the other specialize cells crucial to normal human functioning.
Dr. William H. Fissell IV explained that kidney cells can be grown in a laboratory dish and nurtured into a bioreactor of living cells.
(Medical Xpress)-- A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Japan has succeeded in growing kidneys from stem cells that worked as they were supposed to after being transplanted into rats and pigs.
PCR analysis of the genomic DNA demonstrated extensive contribution of injected iPS cells into various organs including the eyes, ears, tail, claws, kidneys, liver, lungs, stomach and guts.
When grown in a collagen gel, Madin - Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells form into cysts, and the orientation of proteins, called polarity, are abnormal following Tuba knockdown.
Vitamin D is converted into its active form primarily in the kidneys in an endocrine - regulated process, but a small amount of vitamin D activation occurs in nonrenal cells and is regulated by inflammation.
Human embryonic stem cells can turn into a variety of different cell types, including (A) gut, (B) neural cells, (C) bone marrow cells, (D) cartilage, (E) muscle, and (F) kidney cells.
Human embryonic stem cells grown at the University of Wisconsin - Madison randomly changed into cell types found in the A) gut B) brain C) bone marrow D) cartilage E) muscle F) kidney Scientists haven't learned to control the development.
In a wide range of epithelial tissues such as kidney tubules or breast acini, cells organize into bidimensional monolayers experiencing an out - of - plane curvature.
In kidneys, for example, stem cells have to not only specialize but also move into appropriate positions.
These cells form many of the organs in the body, and arrange themselves into either sheets (such as the skin) or branching ducts (such as kidney, or mammary glands).
Primary kidney epithelial cells isolated from human proximal tubule are cultured on the upper surface of an extracellular matrix - coated, porous, polyester membrane that splits the main channel of the device into two adjacent channels, thereby creating an apical «luminal» channel and a basal «interstitial» space.
So the scientists inserted the taste genes into human kidney cells that were growing in dishes.
The other reason is the processing of water molecules in your body as they pass through your digestive system that delivers it to the liver, from where it goes into your blood stream that transfers it to the cells and to your kidneys before it is finally excreted.
«If I give you something that stimulates your cells to dump out of the cells into the blood, the kidney and liver better be ready for that.
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