Sentences with phrase «into larvae»

The eggs then fall off of him and hatch into larvae within one to six days all over your house.
The adult female flea lays eggs on the animal, or in its sleeping place, which hatch into larvae.
The eggs fall to the floor and hatch into larvae, which feed on adult flea feces (which is made up of digested blood — GROSS!)
These eggs fall off into the environment, hatch into larvae, enter the cocoon like pupae stage, and then hatch out into new adults.
The eggs hatch into larvae and begin to search for a host from which to take a blood meal.
The eggs then hatch into larvae.
The cat fleas produce eggs, which hatch into larvae and will result in new fleas.
Flea eggs are laid on pets, then fall off into our environment, where they mature into larvae, pupae, and finally become adults.
Between two days and two weeks later the eggs hatch into larvae which cocoon themselves the way caterpillars do before turning into butterflies, before emerging as fully developed fleas when conditions are right (which can take anything from one week to six months).
Fleas lay eggs approximately 20 at a time, and a few days to two weeks must pass for the eggs to hatch into larvae.
Tick eggs are laid in densely wooded areas, hatch into larvae, and then become nymphs.
Other products include insect growth regulators (IGR), which stop the proper maturation of flea eggs into larvae.
Adult female fleas lay eggs (25 to 40 a day), which fall off the animal and hatch into larvae in two to five days.
After a mosquito bites your dog, heartworm microfilaria (baby worms) pass into the bloodstream, where they eventually mature into larvae, which will grow into adult heartworms.
In a flea - favorable environment, the eggs will hatch into larvae, then emerge into pupae.
Eggs hatch after two to 12 days into larvae that feed in the environment — generally on digested blood from adult fleas and other food matter.
Between 1 and 10 days later, the eggs will hatch into larvae in the environment.
The mature adults reside in the blood vessels of the lungs and produce eggs which hatch into larvae that are coughed up, swallowed and re-enter the bowel, creating a new cycle.
The eggs develop into larvae which when ingested and swallowed by a dog or cat migrate to the liver, then the lungs and are then coughed up, swallowed and mature to adult hood in the small intestine.
We ordered a bag from Amazon and it was ridden with tiny bugs that turned into larvae and finally small moths.
If a mosquito bites a dog whose blood is filled with microfilaria, the mosquito will become a new vector of the parasite, the microfilaria of which turn into larvae inside the mosquito.
Under favorable conditions, these eggs develop first into larvae and then into pupae.
Eggs are laid on the hair coat of the pet and then roll off into the environment where they hatch into larvae.
The egg may still hatch into larvae but their pathogenicity will be substantially weakened that they no longer pose a threat to the host.
The eggs land into the small intestine where they hatch into larvae and make their way to the large intestine.
When a mosquito bites an infected dog, fox, coyote, or wolf and takes a blood meal, it picks up baby heartworms (microfilaria) which then mature within the mosquito into larvae over a period of 10 to 14 days.
Fleas lay eggs in clusters of approximately 20 at a time; one to two weeks are needed for eggs to hatch into larvae.
Eggs hatch after 2 — 12 day into larvae that feed in the environment.
Under the right environmental conditions of temperature and moisture, the eggs hatch and develop into larvae (immature worms).
Adult fleas live, feed and mate on our pets; the female flea lays eggs that fall off into the environment where they hatch into larvae.
Hookworm eggs thrive in warm, moist areas outdoors (soil / grass / sand) and turn into larvae which can infect your puppy in several other ways:
The eggs hatch into larvae in two days to a few weeks, depending on temperature and humidity.
The eggs fall off the host into the environment where they hatch into larvae.
Eggs make up 50 % of the population and hatch into larvae after 1 - 6 days.
The eggs hatch into larvae that slowly consume the host while developing within them.
Burrows first ran into the larvae of I. coleoptratus in a colleague's garden.
Ordinarily, jellyfish are born from eggs and grow into larvae, which morph into polyps before becoming free - swimming medusa.
«Throw them into water and they hatch into larvae within minutes,» Nene notes.
A month later, those eggs hatch into larvae, which munch on the leaves.
Malcolm Burrows of the University of Cambridge first ran into the larvae poking around a colleague's garden, and noticed that each one had meshing gears connecting its two hind legs (see photo).
The worm was infested with wasp eggs that will hatch into larvae that will parasitically eat and eventually kill the worm.
From there, it develops into a larva of frustration, and, eventually, a chrysalis of failure.
Normally, the genetic switches that control the transformation of an embryo into a larva or a larva into a polyp are switched on in an order that is irreversible, «but Turritopsis cells can hit the rewind button,» Piraino explained.
Flea development is the same type of development that a butterfly follows; an egg is laid which hatches into a larva that feeds on dead organic matter (flea dirt) and then forms a cocoon, from which emerges an adult flea.
They hatch from eggs into a larva (the only stage where they have six legs), eat, molt into a nymph, eat, and then molt into the adult stage.
Once in the environment, eggs develop into larva within that same egg sac.
Once you've gotten rid of the infestation on your animal, the next step is getting rid of it in the places where the adult fleas have laid eggs, that have hatched into larva waiting to start the next part of their life cycle.
The eggs will hatch into a larva and then spin a cocoon.
Eggs hatch into larva in about two days to two weeks depending upon the conditions.

Not exact matches

They all lay their eggs inside borer eggs or larvae, killing them before they turn into wood - munching beetles.
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