Sentences with phrase «into laziness»

Sometimes it seems easier to fall into laziness than fight the everyday battle.
Keep a Job Search Schedule: Yes, it's summer, but don't be lulled into laziness.
Similar sentiments were elucidated by Monika Bartyzel for The Week in April 2013, who wrote «this once - useful piece of critical shorthand has devolved into laziness and sexism».
Consistency is always important so that the body does not get to lapse back into laziness if you do not workout for long.
He works too hard and nerve strain wears him out, or he works too little and after a while lethargy turns into laziness.

Not exact matches

Wheeler said he thinks Yahoo called everyone back to work «because they had gotten into a culture of laziness,» and that the firm will likely loosen the restrictions soon.
It is inherently an action generated through laziness — build links by easily assimilating competitors and / or nearby verticals, to the point where one syphons the next into infinity.
You see, in sheer laziness, I layer all of the leftovers into a casserole dish, bake it, and continue eating from it until it's gone or I'm so sick of eating the same thing I shove it to the back of the fridge where it is forgotten until we smell something strange every time we open the fridge door.
That's when I saw your post in my inbox, a quick easy way to get my turmeric:) I added black lemon powder for the tang (and ease of use, so I wouldn't have to squeeze a lemon each time), and stirred some black pepper directly into the honey mixture (again, the laziness kicked in).
As a result of pure laziness, I cook my peas in the boiling pasta water, a method that test kitchen manager Brad Leone and food director Carla Lalli - Music were surprisingly into.
I get sucked into my laptop as well and always end up seeing other lovely moms» blogs and all the creative things they are doing with their kids, and it just makes me more «in a funk» over my laziness.
Britain has fallen into a «vicious circle of laziness» despite a # 75 million government campaign to check rising obesity levels, according to a report out today.
«While I can not speak for others, I can certainly say that as touching former President Goodluck Jonathan, the story is false and is the fruit of the laziness of the researchers who could have taken advantage of the Freedom of Information Act that Dr. Jonathan signed into law in May, 2011 to get records and data from relevant government ministries, departments and agencies that would have given them a fuller picture instead of the narrow view they have.
Then I sit at home and get into a whole other mode of — I don't want to call it laziness — but just doing things other than getting up at dawn for yoga.
Once you get into a workout routine, it can get a little addictive though after a period of slack, I feel the laziness.
In my honest opinion, it was just like slipping into a pair of joggers, without the added guilt and unsatisfying feeling of pure laziness.
To ease myself into writing again after almost two months of madness (and laziness), I'd like to start with a quick update before tackling the photos galore from Fashion Week Australia (which took place in mid-April...).
And yet my vitriol for Martin's late - period laziness on screen melted into sympathy.
For my last prediction article of this arduous awards season, I had hoped to post only a screencap of Facebook's new angry - face emoji before crawling into a horse carcass until the Oscar ceremony was over, but decided that I shouldn't respond to Hollywood's laziness in kind.
Part of me wants to acknowledge that Kaufman's script is inherently lazy, but then I think of the inclusion of Donald as a second - self, the self - critique of its laziness, and the way in which the finale turns the movie into a movie instead of just a filmed script, and I know it's more or less the work of a genius.
Sheer laziness isn't the only reason to give into television's cathode call: the best new movies around can't be found in theaters
I am not sure if it is laziness or incompetence but I have to hound them to look into any issues I have.
The on - center vagueness will prevent you from sneezing into the oncoming lane, but it also contributes to a larger - car laziness that you wouldn't expect from a compact.
And that leads me into the second part; laziness.
It's hard to safeguard a genuine life course, when love tips over from endearing care into tedium, through laziness of imagination or loss of interest, and the storyline becomes barren and desolate, insipidly dull, turning into a threadbare act with the same trite modus operandi.
Simple does not equal boring, does not imply laziness or a lack of substance, and coupled with how polished the game feels as a whole (due in part to the impressive group of developers at its helm, I'm sure), Minit stands as an example of what can be accomplished when a neat idea and a keen attention to detail run head first into each other.
But that is more my laziness to learn the system versus what an RTS junkie would love to delve into.
The fact that all this money and development is being dumped into overpriced expansion packs and not an easy feature like trophies shows greed and laziness.
Our Ren Fest activities lead into a discussion of The Lord of the Rings, and how the laziness of the Bard of Gondor will forever tarnish the Baggins name.
As far as I can tell, no actual attempt was ever made to take ideas that actually made sense once they were dropped into the film universe, and nowhere else is this laziness more apparent than the bizarre inclusion of the Axeman from Resident Evil 5 in Resident Evil: Retribution.
(Also, I'm told that journal editors often don't give reviewers sufficient time to really dig into articles, so it's not merely a matter of laziness.)
Having such high levels of control over the range and volume of the sound pumping into your ears is something that can't be taken for granted, and I do miss it when I bypass the Tactical Audio Controller out of laziness.
Any job search is easier when you have a buddy in your corner, ready to check on your resume, remind you of your next steps for the jobs you've applied to, and keep you on track in case you stray into bad habits or laziness.
Agents who had the co-operating broker do the listing agent's running around from sheer unapologetic laziness; who obviously saved themselves another trip across town by copying their client's initials or time of signature into a document; who clearly lied about having multiple offers or being related to the seller; and sellers who covered up the fact that they themselves were licensed Realtors.
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