Sentences with phrase «into measuring glass»

Pour off pan juices into a measuring glass.
(if you don't have a scale, melt butter just until liquid again and pour back into measuring glass to check).
Cut 2 lemons in half and squeeze juice into a measuring glass or small bowl; you should have 1/4 cup juice.
Then pour all ingredients into a measuring glass or Tupperware and puree it with a hand blender or regular blender until everything is completely blended.
Then pour all ingredients into a measuring glass or Tupperware and puree it with a hand blender until everything is completely blended.

Not exact matches

Put the honey and brown sugar in a microwave safe dish (I used my glass measuring cup) and heat for 1 minute, or until the brown sugar dissolves into the honey.
Add it to the prepared pan in an even layer and use something round, like a shorter drinking glass or a measuring cup, with a flat bottom to press the crust into the pan so it's fairly compact.
Pour through a fine - mesh sieve into a glass measuring cup.
Once the tea is fully steeped in the almondmilk strain it into a small bowl or glass measuring cup (if there are loose leaf tea remnants in the milk that is okay).
Sunday — 8:30 a.m. I prepped the cornbread by whisking the dry ingredients into a bowl and stirring the wet ingredients in a glass measuring cup, which I covered and popped into the fridge.
Pour the bacon fat from the pan into a glass measuring cup.
Use 2 - C glass measuring cup to ladle ingredients into Vita Mix and blend until smooth.
Pour the vinegar into a 1 - cup glass measure.
(* I like to carefully pour mixture into a 2 - cup glass measuring cup, to make it easier to pour into mixer).
Remove the rinds, and strain the broth into a glass measuring cup, Refrigerate to cool.
Pour the orange juice into a large glass measuring cup or a bowl and pour in enough buttermilk to make 1 cup.
Pour the syrup into a glass measuring cup and let cool for 15 minutes.
Firmly press the apricot mixture into the baking pan, using the flat surface of a measuring cup or drinking glass to create a flat even layer.
Strain into a large measuring glass.
Pass the mixture through a coarse sieve into a large glass measuring cup.
Pour the olive oil into a small glass measuring cup, stir in the herb mixture, and set aside.
Reserve one tablespoon of oil in the pan and pour the rest into a glass measuring cup.
Carefully, pour the juices from the slow cooker into a 1 - litre measuring glass.
In a large glass measuring cup or medium bowl, combine apple cider or juice, oil and maple syrup; stir into oat mixture until fully combined.
Carefully pour the syrup into a 2 - cup glass measuring cup.
Check how much liquid you have by pouring it into a glass measuring cup.
Please the chips into a glass measuring cup or bowl and melt in the microwave.
Strain through a mesh sieve into a large glass measuring cup.
Pour a cup of milk into a glass measure and add 1 teaspoon of vinegar, stir and let it sit for 15 minutes to curdle the milk, the acid will turn it into buttermilk and save you a trip to the store!
Measure out a heaping cup for the salad into a large mixing bowl, and store the leftover jicama sticks in an airtight glass jar in the fridge, covered in water (will keep for a week).
Stir in buttermilk, then strain through a fine - mesh sieve into a large glass measure, discarding solids.
Strain oil through a fine - mesh sieve into a large measuring glass.
Pour the pan drippings into a glass measuring cup and spoon off any fat that rises to the top.
Strain into a 2 - cup glass measuring cup.
Pour milkshake mixture into a piping bag or a large glass measuring cup and carefully fill 240 ml — 75 ml glasses.
Pour milkshake mixture into a piping bag or a large glass measuring cup and carefully fill 8 fl. oz.
butter into pieces and combine in a glass measuring cup with 2 cups half - and - half.
Set a fine mesh sieve over a mixing bowl or glass measuring cup and pour the milk solids and buttermilk into the sieve.
Strain through a fine - mesh sieve into a small bowl or measuring glass, pressing on solids to release as much liquid as possible; you should have about 1/2 cup.
Combine olive and vegetable oils in a measuring glass and pour into yolk mixture, drop by drop at first, then in a slow steady stream as mixture stiffens, until all the oil has been added.
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Pour the canola oil into a 2 - cup size glass measuring cup.
Strain gelée into a small measuring glass and let cool.
Measure the rye, Spiced Vermouth and Aperol into a mixing glass.
Measure the Martin Miller's Gin and Bitter Lemon into a mixing glass.
Scrape juices and browned bits from reserved roasting pan into large glass measuring cup.
Transfer duck to a deep baking dish; strain liquid into a large measuring glass or medium bowl.
Muddle mint sprigs, turmeric, ginger, fennel seeds, and cayenne in a 4 - cup measuring glass until turmeric and ginger are broken up into bits.
Strain through a fine - mesh sieve into a quart jar or large heatproof glass measuring cup, using a ladle to extract as much liquid as possible.
Add all measured ingredients into a large mixing bowl, mix well then funnel into a glass jar and store in the pantry or fridge.
Put 2 cups filtered water into a glass - measuring pitcher and remove 2 tablespoons (that will give you 1 7/8 cups water).
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