Sentences with phrase «into narratives»

The curators provided context and background for all 10 works of art, giving members greater insight into the narratives and production methods.
Marshall creates large - scale paintings that explore African American culture from the Civil Rights to today, drawing from and weaving a history of black experience into his narratives.
Devised in conjunction with Lost and Found, MK Gallery's Young Person's Project, this new assembly of films, meanderings and found material features playful interruptions and interventions into narratives and the meanings that they generate.
I started to introduce ghosts into my narratives because of Fengdu, the ghost city near the Three Gorges dam.
Paul Barsch's work gravitates around the arcane, situational mechanisms that turn images into narratives.
I admit that I tend to be drawn deep into narratives that have a mystery.
Rather than using a traditional didactic format, the best customer training videos have evolved into narratives that tell a story, Bruzzi says.
This is the heart of Weerasethakul's work; taking old forms that have been suppressed or forgotten (as in the animist folk tales of Thailand) and re-forming them into narratives that speak with renewed urgency to the contemporary cultural climate.
When absence would be too conspicuous or odd, like at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, Cuomo danced along a line of fulfilling obligations without letting himself slide into narratives of 2016 ambition.
Stop playing into the narratives that degrade our solidarity and drag us down.
We felt freed from a lot of the narrative pressure once we recognized how much hypocrisy was baked into those narratives.
The sermon itself conrextualizes them and thus alters their meaning by placing them polemically in relationship to other arguments, by selecting some of their features at the expense of others, by incorporating them into narratives, and by presenting them in a way that evokes a certain response or identification from the listener.
Kuhn reaches the point of recognizing the gospels as kerygma, i.e. as proclamations of Jesus the Messiah in his significance for faith; but whereas the later Protestant view was that the kerygmatic element was in the service of a post-Easter view of Jesus as risen Lord, read back into the narratives by the later community, Kuhn's view is that this element was present in the tradition from the very beginning, part of the gospel before the gospels, part of the message of the apostles from the very first days, part of the very fabric of the ministry of Jesus itself.
This means that many of the cultural assumptions that support and are built into the narratives are lost to us forever.
In The Symbolism of Evil, Ricoeur traces this avowal from the primitive symbol of «stain,» through the incorporation of symbols into narratives we call myths, and into a dialogue among great cycles of myths.
Able to authentically weave brand messaging into their narratives, our influencers preserve reader trust with the perfect mix of creativity and honesty.
This, he adds, has fed into narratives constructed by right - wing politicians.
Turn shopping lists, intentions, even single facts into narratives big and small and you'll remember them much better.
And also with YouTube Red, I'm getting into the narrative game now.
Entrepreneurs tend to be an action - oriented, onwards - and - upwards lot — a longitudinal study published by the Journal of Economic Psychology in 2014 associated successful entrepreneurs with higher - than - normal levels of hardiness, resourcefulness and optimism — meaning that when their venture fails, there's a pretty good chance they'll be able to rebound quickly, with a nifty second - act tale of adversity to slot into their narrative.
Now go through your notes and shape them into a narrative that tells your story chronologically.
«The fact that inflation didn't heat up as much as most economists had expected plays into the narrative that the Bank of Canada is going to be very patient with regards to future rate hikes,» Royce Mendes, CIBC World Markets director and senior economist, said in an interview.
Help your customer envision this scenario and place themselves into the narrative of your story.
And laced into the narrative, Lanchester can't resist a little sermonizing of his own.
If oil is all that really matters in the economic story of the Harper years, I'm not sure how to fit certain staggering sums into the narrative.
Besides which if you buy into the narrative Jesus» death was pre-ordained, pre-planned and executed by his loving «father» JHVH himself.
The problem isn't that they can't explain everything, it's that they can't explain anything *** satisfactorily *** to anyone who hasn't already bought into their narrative.
Mark probably received this discourse as a separate composition, accepted it as a record of what Jesus had said, and fitted it into his narrative at what seemed the most appropriate place.
When the Christian in any time or place confesses his faith, his confession turns into a narrative.
As oppressive as this legislation seems, it is fitting that these new regulations come under the guise of an anti-terrorism law, because that fits well into the narrative of protecting Russian national identity and deeply held Russian values against dangerous foreign influences.
But folded into her narrative are small prose - hymns to Oxford, «an old - fashioned city, with inconvenient buildings and narrow streets...; but her foundations were set upon the holy hills and her spires touched heaven.»
The dominant interpretation, derived from Franco - German scholarship of the nineteenth century, emphasized material aspects: political contest and domination in the Near East; the social structures of the Levantine crusader principalities viewed, especially by Francophone scholars, through the lens of modern colonialism; cultural confrontation and exchange through settlement and trade, a topos made familiar by eighteenth - century Enlightenment writers seeking to integrate the Crusades into a narrative of European progress; military adventurism that exposed the mentality of crusaders — heroic, passionate, devout, or misguided according to taste.
may I recommend... the trilogy that is written as fiction... but allows you to eneter into a narrative taht discusses these huge, important topics?
But in the process of oral transmission it became transformed into a narrative of an actual historical event.
And that historical life was, from before birth, a living forth into a narrative which was beset by danger, by risk.
The same way you have series of philosophies (fsm) and scientific theories you weave together into a narrative that you chose to believe.
Was that conflict still a living reality at the time of Christ, or was it a symbolic allusion that the Evangelist invented and wove into his narrative?
The way Luke injects them into his narrative without any explanation is odd indeed.
the revision of biblical authority as an absolute, propositional standard into a narrative structure 7.
Sadly, their integralism was the mirror image of the liberalism they fought; they inverted the myth of progress into a narrative of inevitable decadence.
When we turn the pages of sacred scripture we enter into a narrative; the beginning of a story.
Toomer weaves a continuous refrain into the narrative, «the pines whispered to Jesus.»
We must live into the narrative God desires for humanity, which inevitably leads us to care for the hurting — whether grieving families who have lost loved ones, individuals who are targets of hate or the stereotyping happening in your neighborhood because of events halfway across the globe.
It is not a catechism thrown into narrative, poetic, or legal form.
It seems to me, nevertheless, that he suffered, at the hands of the BBC This World programme in particular, and the media in general, a profound injustice, and that this injustice was made possible only because it fed into a narrative which Catholics have endured over recent years for the most part without protest, so great has been their numb horror at the seemingly endless procession of abusive clergy who have been dragged from the shadows by police and media.
Just two paragraphs into the narrative, Hempton appreciatively quotes Philip Jenkins's prediction that Pentecostals are likely to number 1 billion adherents before 2050.
In telling us the story of Trinity Church, the persons who had left the course were primarily recounting their social character, knitting into narrative form its significant elements.
That is to say, a great deal of new material is introduced into the narrative by both Matthew and Luke, but at the end of a lengthy section of new material the story usually is taken up again where it was left off, and follows the Marcan order.
Soon this knowledge will be absorbed into the narrative of my life; it will become just another part of me.
We examined Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) internal documents, historical reports, and statements relevant to early debates about the dietary causes of CHD and assembled findings chronologically into a narrative case study.
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