Sentences with phrase «into oocytes»

Somatic cells can be reprogrammed either by nuclear transfer into oocytes or by fusion with embryonic stem (ES) cells.
«I had been taught that the sperm gets into the oocyte by its own movement,» he says.
When researchers first started using CRISPR / Cas9 for genome editing in mice, they would often microinject gRNAs along with RNAs encoding Cas9 into the oocyte.

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Then, the DNA would be removed from an oocyte (an egg cell) and this enucleated oocyte fused to the altered adult cell» creating a new cell that is neither an oocyte nor an adult cell but a hybrid exhibiting the properties programmed into it by the alterations made to the adult - cell nucleus.
Once the mature oocytes are extracted and combined with sperm in the laboratory, any resulting embryos are placed back into the monkey's uterus.
To create an egg, a progenitor cell called an oocyte divides into two daughter cells: a hulking egg cell and a wimpy polar body.
Using a powerful microscope to observe mouse oocytes as they split, Ellenberg's group found that the spindles assembled into two coherent structures, one for the future egg and one for the future polar body.At first, spindles appeared throughout the cell in a sort of mesh.
To create cloned mice, the team inserted nuclei from so - called cumulus cells, which surround the ovary, into egg cells, or oocytes, without nuclei.
By turning on a several genes in adult cells, scientists can transform skin or blood cells into stem cells that can become every cell type in the body — without the ethical and practical complications of using embryos or oocytes.
An oocyte with decreased Topoiosmerase II levels in heterochromatic region of the X chromosome (green) failed to separate while heterochromatic region of the 4th chromosome (red) is stretched into abnormal projections.
To really make use of the oocyte's power, scientists still need to learn how to direct the development of the rejuvenated stem cells and guide them into forming specific tissues.
Like Medieval alchemists who searched for an elixir that could turn base metals into gold, biology's modern alchemists have learned how to use oocytes to turn normal skin cells into valuable stem cells, and even whole animals.
Duesbery and company then showed that LF prevents frog oocytes from maturing into eggs, indicating possible blockage of the MAPK pathway.
They were interested in one of the cell's key signaling pathways, the MAPK pathway, which helps control cell growth, embryonic development, and the maturation of oocytes into eggs.
In addition, scientists want to learn more about how an oocyte can reprogram a mature cell back into an ES cell.
Injection of RNA transcribed in vitro from this clone into Xenopus oocytes elicits serotonin sensitivity.
Beginning with mouse egg cells, Daley and his team tricked these egg cells, or oocytes, into thinking they had been fertilized (a process called parthenogenesis) and managed to isolate embryonic stem cells from the subsequent early mouse embryos.
Donated fresh oocytes traditionally have been used immediately, creating embryos for transfer into the uterus, with extra embryos being cryopreserved for later use.
In their initial experiments, Hwang and his colleagues used cells from a single donor to try to create embryonic clones; they transferred nuclei from ovarian cells back into the donors» own oocytes.
The researchers made oskar mRNAs tagged with red and green fluorescent proteins and inserted the tagged mRNAs into the nuclei of Drosophila oocytes.
Now we can offer the generation of knock - out models though direct injection into fertilized mouse oocytes of CRISPR sgRNA and Cas9 mRNA.
Sperm and oocytes of HFD mice were isolated and transferred into healthy foster mothers.
High throughput injection of poly (A) + RNAs into Xenopus oocytes (in collaboration with Biopredic International) to obtain cells expressing molecules characteristic of certain cell types on their surface.
Oocyte maturation and embryo development data were entered into a two - by - two contingency table, and Fisher's exact test was used to generate P - values in Prism version 5.02 for windows (GraphPad Software, Inc.).
The image here shows the process of the Honolulu technique when the nucleus is injected into an enucleated oocyte.
The presence of Stem Cells in the ovaries and their transformation into mature oocytes (egg cells) has been demonstrated in mice by Harvard researchers.
By the end of the follicular phase, the luteinizing hormone surge results in ejection of the oocyte and transforms the remaining follicle into the corpus luteum; small and large luteal cells are formed from theca and granulosa cells, respectively.
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