Sentences with phrase «into other creatures»

So you got space rocks, floods caused by various things, massive volcanoes, microbial and viral changes and adaptions, creatures evolving into other creatures, creatures becoming more successful and depriving other creatures of resources it was accustomed to.
The player can descend into other creatures to fight them (in a new level created by their shape) and achieve their powers.
Using tricks to transform Om Nom into other creatures big and small gives Om Nom special abilities.
It is really fun to turn your pet into other creatures of an hour and see how they respond.
These are no ordinary fish however, with the magical properties to either enhance your pet's abilities or transform them into other creatures either permanently or temporarily.
Evolutionists have all kinds of evidence for natural selection, but ZERO evidence for nothing turning into something and ZERO evidence for one creature changing into other creatures.

Not exact matches

Now, before I go any further I believe god falls into the same claims that santa, the easter bunny and other imaginary creatures that exist.
More likely, if he had even existed at all, his carcass must have been transformed into zillion things via feeds to other living creatures.
We can see that in human beings and many other creatures, the power to bring about new life has been divided into two collaborating halves — the male which prompts the gift of life, and the female which receives, actively responds, nurtures and brings forth the fruit of life itself.
Indeed, the act that both brings new life into being and gives the most intense pleasure to all living creatures is a powerful symbol of the desire for unity with others that is shared by all forms of life.
What is even worse, it can lead to repressions that turn humans into suspicious and (as I have said) hypercritical or hypocritical creatures whose presence makes others uncomfortable and whose own inner lives can become frustrated and miserable.
This forgiving, reconciling initiative enables us to meet the intrinsic claim that others — the good and the wicked — have upon us — the claim as God's creatures, to be re-accepted into the human community.
Thus, to take one example: recently I re-read the Electra of Sophocles, and was amazed by the depth with which it uncovered the degradation into a creature consumed by, indeed virtually living by, the hatred which possesses her, of a woman who initially had simply refused to compromise with truth, and to pretend the situation at the court of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra to be other than itself.
The deeper point of the critics of process thought is that subsuming other creatures into the ethical system worked out in modernity to guide relations among people does not change us at the needed level.
As Attenborough writes, «Insects were not only the first creatures into the air, but to this day no other organisms exploit the freedoms and opportunities of that world with greater virtuosity than they do.»
The self is thrown into an incomprehensibly vast creation, a world teeming with other creatures, and other selves.
As a matter of fact, all these theories assume that some time, somewhere a living being somehow came into existence... and that somehow this very first, one and only living creature was able to transform the sterile dead matter around it into the organs and chemicals necessary for this creature to exist as well as to build other living creatures capable of doing the same.
What other creature would he have chosen to be born into, for crying out loud?
... whereas your religion believes that some time, somewhere a living being somehow came into existence... and that somehow this very first, one and only living creature was able to transform the sterile dead matter around it into the organs and chemicals necessary for this creature to exist as well as to build other living creatures capable of doing the same.
In our new aims of education for the 1980's and beyond, therefore, we shall have to dedicate ourselves to bringing back, among other things, the civilized use of language (both written and oral), a sensitivity to beauty, powers of analytical reasoning, the intellectual vision of ourselves as historical creatures, the ability to cognitively articulate ideas rather than let communication skills courses degenerate into merely «touchie - feelie» experiences of «affirming the other,» and finally, a sensitivity to the nuances, complexities, and ambiguities of meanings.7 In this way, and only in this way, our educational system will equip its students for the future with an intellectual vision comprised of both knowledge and foresightful adaptability to environmental changes.
It is said that only the eagle of all living creatures can look straight into the sun; so John looks more directly into the blaze of divine truth than any other of the Gospel writers.
But, Catholics do believe that we can ask Mary to pray for us, and we do believe that Christ has assumed her into Heaven and given her honors above that of any other creature (more on this when we get to the question concerning women in the Church), and we do believe that she has a (subordinate) mediator - like role (but before your alarm bells go off, please read this article by Taylor Marshall for a proper understanding of this.
By giving his enemies an overdose of their own medicine, More transforms them into baboonlike creatures who pooch out their lips, utter subhuman hoo hoo hoo sounds, and mount each other from the rear.
In spite of the fact that Socrates studied with all diligence to acquire a knowledge of human nature and to understand himself, and in spite of the fame accorded him through the centuries as one who beyond all other men had an insight into the human heart, he has himself admitted that the reason for his shrinking from reflection upon the nature of such beings as Pegasus and the Gorgons was that he, the life - long student of human nature, had not yet been able to make up his mind whether he was a stranger monster than Typhon, or a creature of a gentler and simpler sort, partaking of something divine (Phaedrus, 229 E).
I share my daily life with my partner, two dogs, a cat, a snake, a turtle, a rabbit, and any other creature that ventures into the yard or our home in need of care.
I have gremlins or brownies or some other strange woodland creatures that like to sneak into human homes in the dead of night, wave their teeny wands and multiple the laundry and dirty dishes tenfold.
It's not uncommon for kids this age to think they have magical powers and can battle «monsters» and win, or turn into a princess, fairy, or other whimsical creature.
Over thousands of years, these early farmers domesticated the first crops and transformed sheep, wild boars and other creatures into domestic animals.
Pazzo managed to capture one of the creatures — the others quickly released their grip and vanished into the slush.
Others expect affirmative action to survive, but only by morphing into a different creature.
And it is the thumb in the dam, preventing many other creatures from being swept from the Tasmanian landscape into extinction.
Some of the spill remains to this day, with a 2003 estimate pointing to about 20,000 gallons (75,700 liters) soaked deep into sands in intertidal zones, slowly poisoning ducks and other shore creatures.
Research published in the June special issue of SAGE journal, Social Science Information (SSI), delves deeper into our relationship with other creatures, critically examining our own animal nature, and looking at how animals profoundly influence our culture — perhaps more so than we had initially thought.
«These little guys changed from a shy creature that actively avoided making contact with other grasshoppers [into a creature] actively seeking out other insects and joining a gang,» says study co-author Malcolm Burrows, a zoology professor at Cambridge University in England.
At the conference, biologists who work mostly in the field observing the behaviors of bees, ants, wolves, slime molds and other creatures tended to look for the mechanics of natural selection at the behavioral level by examining how individual organisms self - organize into hives, nests, packs, conglomerates or families.
Although other salamanders metamorphose into terrestrial creatures, axolotls hold on to their feathery gills and stay in the water for their entire lives.
Now researchers studying the teeth, jaws, and other physical features of living and extinct species have challenged these molecular data, offering new insight into when and where the world's most common furry creatures arose and began to diversify.
Join a video chat about efforts to turn chimpanzees, dolphins, and other creatures into «legal persons»
If we could do the same with DNA and the other chemicals of life, we could create a huge variety of novel creatures or transform ourselves into astonishing new forms.
The overall shape and arrangement of bones in the creature's feet suggests that it was a ground - dweller and may have dug into the soil to forage for grubs or other prey.
Chromatophores produce the colors of all kinds of vertebrates other than reptiles, including fish and amphibians — so the new technique could open a door into seeing the full colors of a wide variety of ancient creatures.
Birds, beetles, and other creatures in search of water migrate into the forests during the dry summers.
He quickly classified it along with other Amazonian myths: the activities of the boto dolphin, blamed for all unwanted pregnancies because it assumes the form of a handsome man, penetrates village parties, and lures young women into the floral night; or the transformation of the curupira, a protean creature that appears as an animal or a hairy, ugly man and plagues hunters.
Once it sinks into the water, the carbon dioxide reacts with water molecules to form carbonic acid; the carbonic acid then releases hydrogen ions which in turn combine with carbonate ions (the ones that shellfish and other creatures need) removing them from the water.
Fein and Schneider (The Rules, The Rules for Marriage) collaborate once again to give women a highly structured system for online dating that consists of 29 rules and 17 «Extra Hints» intended to turn them into desirable «Creatures Unlike Any Other» (CUAO).
► A man and a woman steal a Medevac helicopter and fly to stop creatures from destroying a city: they see a giant wolf jump into the air and bite three helicopters in half while the wolf and a giant gorilla destroy buildings and vehicles into rubble and smoke; something swims fast under the surface of a river, it rises high in the water to reveal a prehistoric spiny crocodile with an armored tail and a spiked ball at its end, many huge teeth that include side tusks, and wings behind its ears; it upsets a large touring craft full of people who fall into the water, screaming, and it roars at the sky before joining the other two creatures in destroying buildings.
It must be said, picking off crossbow - wielding wargar and other long - range threats as E'lara while a buddy - controlled Caddoc tears into creatures rushing your position can be one of the most frantic and gratifying co-op experiences on the Xbox 360.
After some red shirts die, the remaining members we follow find that the island is segmented into 12 pie slices, comprising a huge clock with timed challenges that include a poisonous fog, deadly monkey - like creatures, voice - mimicking bats, tidal waves, and others.
and other mythological creatures and then confronting a very pissed off Ares — before the heroes finally have to find their way into the Underworld through a very odd, three - dimensionally moving labyrinth — a kind of Greek - Deco - Escher construct that houses the film's best practical effect — a completely physical, GC - unenhanced minotaur.
So after I bumbled around for a while as my naked warrior beat up a few other exiles and creatures, I started to craft and this is where the game comes into its own.
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