Sentences with phrase «into other organs»

It blocks a cycle in the body where substances that have absorbed into fat tissue move into the blood, then into other organs, and then back into fat tissue.
Of this latter group, none developed disease that spread beyond the original tumor into other organs but instead died of a secondary condition associated with locally progressive pancreas cancer.
Also, the boundaries of the tumor allow for removal of the tumor without cutting into other organs.
In fact, dog dental disease has been linked to kidney failure in dogs because of the bacteria that traveled from their mouths into their bloodstream and then into other organs.
Abdominal ultrasound: Examination to evaluate for enlarged lymph nodes or tumor spread into other organs such as liver, kidneys, etc..
Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread beyond an initial site in the body into other organs.
When we slather our lotions and creams all over our faces, necks, and bodies, it seeps into our bloodstreams and deposits right into our other organs, especially the thyroid.
Again, if this is allowed to deteriorate, the bacteria can gain access to the blood vessels and be carried by the blood to be lodged into other organs inside the dog's body.
Because bacteria from gingivitis can leach into other organs and cause a host of problems especially heart related diseases.
Because osteosarcoma is an aggressive form of cancer, it spreads quickly into other organs.
The internal bleeding and discharges caused by cancer can seep into other organs or even fill the lungs thereby making it difficult for the canine to breathe.
To him, the blotches appear more analogous «to a mole or liver spot that comes with aging — not a malignant cancer that's going to spread into other organs
A series of headline - grabbing results in the late 1990s and early this decade suggested that specific adult stem cells such as those from the blood seemed able to exceed expectations and transform themselves into other organs and tissues.
It can spread deeper into the colon or rectum wall or, in the case of advanced cancer, into other organs and lymph nodes.
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