Sentences with phrase «into overall content»

Incorporate it into your overall content strategy plan as part of the company «voice».
However, the most crucial step is deciding how you incorporate these valuable pieces of content into your overall content marketing strategy.

Not exact matches

The takeaway here for building a collaborative content process is simple: make getting information and turning information into meaningful content the two overall goals for your team.
I was told that didn't fit into FLM's overall content strategy any more, so that was that.
Brand awareness is loosely tied into your overall brand presence; after all, the more prominent your brand and content are, on - site and off - site, the more aware people are going to be of your brand.
Exactly what your content looks like will depend on how different segments fit into your overall sales goals.
Other issues raised by the committee included why Facebook does not provide an overall control or opt - out for political advertising; why it does not offer a separate feed for ads but chooses to embed them into the Newsfeed; how and why it gathers data on non-users; the addictiveness engineered into its product; what it does about fake accounts; why it hasn't recruited more humans to help with the «challenges» of managing content on a platform that's scaled so large; and aspects of its approach to GDPR compliance.
Your strategy should carefully balance sites that are easy to have content posted on and sites that are more authoritative, gradually increasing the overall authority of your backlink profile — but I'll get into more detail on this later.
I especially like the thoughts around tapping into your search marketing keywords and social media keywords as these help integrate your overall engagement and efforts to expand reach and influence with blogging / content creation.
Asides from providing suggested keywords to integrate into your content, this tool provides an overall SEO score for your content and suggestions to improve it.
The focus becoming one of creating content that fits into the overall vision of the experience and discovering, just as scriptwriters write in pauses and silence, that less can be more.
The bacteria present in the cabbage convert sugars into lactic acid, thus decreasing the overall carb content.
Having a specific blogging niche (such as fashion blogging) may clump you into a catagory, but its great talking to like minded women who although have different content, have the same overall goal.
IHS is also optimistic about the PS4's overall profitability saying that «lower research and development costs for PlayStation 4 hardware, additional revenue streams from online service subscriptions and a more aggressive transition to higher margin digital content sales are combining to strengthen Sony's games business outlook even in the face of increased competition from cheap Android consoles and alternative devices eating into consumers» gaming time, including smartphones and tablets.»
Gordon - Levitt impresses in his writing most of all, which pushes forward some good moments of incisive wit, subtle emotional content, and fun characterizations that, while they don't avoid falling into stereotypes, set up the mix of comedy and drama well without losing the overall punchy tone.
In this article, I will go over the factors that come into play when determining the overall cost of custom eLearning content, regardless of whether you are in the private education or corporate training sector, so that you can get an accurate idea of how much of your budget you may want to set aside for your upcoming online learning project.
It may be a good idea to look at the overall content plan of your course and see how you could adjust the whole thing to condense things into fewer modules or sections, which may encourage your students to keep going and finish those later modules.
Can the content be broken into small or very small units and narrow topics whilst keeping the overall course learning objective?
Another criterion to consider when deciding if your content should be made into a «micro» format is the overall course duration, as well as the look and feel of the syllabus and product positioning.
Using a template designed with a PBL approach, they formed the problems and questions into units and identified (a) the overall goal of the unit, (b) the general content of the unit, (c) the CTE concepts addressed, (d) the math concepts addressed, and (e) the Oregon math standards addressed.
The importance of spaced learning is that content is chunked into small bursts which are easy to access, review, thereby reinforcing overall learning.
The instructional effectiveness component offers educator ratings and reliable and valid measures of student progress for both state - and non-state-tested content areas and contains an Evaluation Score Compiler that compiles ratings, student performance and other information into one overall evaluation score.
As a result, curricula were developed that integrated the content standards into teaching and learning within classrooms, and the overall practices within buildings came to reflect a more social - constructivist approach.
They take into account overall design, comfort, safety, performance, functionality, accessory content, driver satisfaction, consumer final cost and overall value package.
Representing a brand - new generation for GM's extended - range electric vehicle, the revised Volt will venture into the marketplace with significant increases in all - electric driving range, overall driving range and premium content with the latter highlighted by Apple CarPlay smartphone integration; Chevy is in the process of developing Android Auto capability for the Volt later in the 2016 model year.
Moving content into standardized neutral formats such as XML will help educational publishers to react faster to changing needs overall rather than trying to grapple with single projects each time and repeating the same process.
Milstein, who previously held leadership roles at Google's YouTube, AOL, and DivX, will lead OverDrive's emerging digital media businesses including the expansion into streaming video and education content and services, and help direct the company's overall strategy and strategic partnerships.
It all ties into our overall experience, with users receiving cross-content recommendations based on any form of content that they've consumed.»
• Enhanced in - store seamless connectivity to enjoy free Wi - Fi, with More In Store content promotions exclusively for Nook owners • Improved opening of eBooks and ePeriodicals • Improved response to Reading Now and Settings buttons • Current reading page and bookmarks on all eBooks are properly saved when you power your Nook off • Eligible LendMe eBooks in your library have LendMe flags • Easier navigation of daily subscriptions with issues rolled into one folder • Improved «back» button functionality for navigating eBooks and ePeriodicals • Personal files downloaded and displayed in My Documents can be sorted by author and title • Overall system improvements and battery optimization.
Make the most of every micro-moment by incorporating smaller content strategies into your overall plan.
«Along with improved navigation, enhanced flight systems and overall optimization, the new update will bring additional content such as a loot distribution system dividing the solar system into civilian, industrial and military zones as well as an elaborate security system including authorization, a locking and unlocking system and defense turrets».
Overall, the End of Zoe expansion seems like it is adding substantial and significant story content for Resident Evil 7 fans to sink their teeth into.
Overall it's a generous offering to get you started, striking the perfect balance between a rich amount of content whilst still tempting players to dip into their pocket and buy another cheeky expansion pack to experience more.
I know you've been through the Content Marketing for Artists course, so think about folding your POD work into your overall marketing mix.
Bringing bamboo into its packaging is part of an approach that Dell dubs the «3 Cs of smarter packaging»: Cube (reducing the size of the overall package), Content (the stuff from which it is made), and Curb (can it be readily recycled by end users?).
First of all, if you can imagine having someone with hostile intent go into your computer and dig through all of your e-mail looking for phrases and lines and exchanges to take out of context and attribute the absolute worst possible motives to, while misrepresenting the overall content, you'll get a feel for how violated the science community feels by this.
1) The continued transport of warm water from lower latitudes into the Arctic, raising the overall heat content of all Arctic water.
I conceived it as part of their external communications plan to reach internal communicators and leaders while integrating seamlessly into this banker training consulting firm client's overall content marketing strategy for its training programs.)
Your answers to these questions will influence the overall tone of the resume, what to include, what to exclude, what to spin differently, and what keywords to build into the content.
E-notes may also differ in that they are generally shorter overall and are easier to skim — shorter paragraphs, often with short lists to format the information into content that is very easy to digest.
Concise Content Is Attractive Condense your overall tasks and responsibilities into a brief paragraph (no more than five lines) that gives the reader a snapshot of what you do.
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