Sentences with phrase «into practice all»

In general, I try not to just write about theoretical things, but things that I am actually doing, or have put into practice myself.
Next Sunday, instead of another sermons where we will learn XYZ, we are going to go out and put into practice ABC.
One clear scriptural principle is that God does not teach us more until we have learned to obey what we already know, and if we do not put into practice what we know, even what we know will be taken from us (see Luke 8:17 - 18).
To fully complete the learning cycle, we need to immediately put into practice what we have learned.
Baptism was experienced as an eschatological act, «eschatology put into practice», as it were.
In the face of potentially contentious and disrupting cultural differences, theorists and practitioners adopted inclusive accommodation as a strategy to neutralize the likelihood of conflict, since when put into practice, cultural inclusion means that no one's interests are neglected, no one is left out, and, therefore, no one is slighted, snubbed, or offended.
Who refuses involvement in war and has already put into practice Isaiah 2:4 to learn war no more.
This consensus in theory is repeated by the large host of educators charged with translating the theories into practice.
It is simply statistics put into practice.
The attitude of absolute acceptance of homosexuals has been put into practice by a small number of churches.
11:6 As you exercise your faith and believe in Jesus and begin to put that faith into practice through obedience to what you understand of his Word, then things start to make a lot more sense, like how the Bible evolves naturally out of the Torah.
When such a synthesis is consciously put into practice, the level of intimidation will be reduced and ministry can take place.
Nevertheless, they put into practice the principles over which many reform battles were waged.
But actually requiring a dialogue, question and answer, interactive discussion about a text of Scripture, which then leads to brainstorming about how everybody can go out and put it into practice in tangible ways, and then actually going out and doing it, requires too much for most people.
Men and women of all ages and political affiliations need to agree in their heads that change is needed, and then put that into practice through consumer and other decisions.
Listening to «sound doctrine» is not a matter of who is right and who is wrong, but rather, who puts into practice what they have heard.
If we have been teaching them about the spiritual life, we want them to put into practice the techniques of Christian prayer and to continue in those techniques, growing in grace and in the knowledge and love of God as they constantly seek him in their regular daily devotions.
Healthy teaching does provide teaching from Scripture, but then, is followed up by leading people into the world to put what was learned into practice.
I need her to lead me in practical ways to put my ideas into practice, and she needs me to help theologically affirm and encourage her actions in loving others.
Those who follow teachers who give them what their itching ears want to hear are those who are content to gather more and more teachers, listen to more and more sermons, gaining more and more knowledge, and being so busy with Bible study, theological learning, and the accumulation of knowledge, that one never has a chance to put any of it into practice in the world.
Lobbyists and interest groups stir up public opinion demanding action this way or that; the legislators bend to the winds of this pressure; the congressional committees and their friends in the bureaucracy write the immensely detailed and arcane rules that, with little oversight, put legislation into practice.
It may take two more centuries before we put into practice the global ideal of equality.
Those who do not put it into practice do not understand the Bible.
Yes, Jeremy is not arguing for diminishing biblical knowledge, but for putting it into practice.
However, humility is not always easy to put into practice.
You put into practice the little bit you do know.
The story of Jesus, he writes, is «the story of God's kingdom being launched on earth as it is in heaven, generating a new state of affairs in which the power of evil has been decisively defeated, the new creation has been decisively launched, and Jesus» followers have been commissioned and equipped to put that victory and that inaugurated new world into practice
That work implies arranging for one's own power to be balanced, and thereby building into the practice procedures for the diminishing of dominance.
Life is not merely preparation for heaven; it is also an opportunity for us to put heavenly principles into practice here on earth.
The gospel should be put into practice, including casting out demons, healing the sick, cleansing the leper and raising the dead because Jesus told us to do all he commanded, the supernatural lifestyle was part of it.
Therefore, even though we preach and shout at the top of our voice about justice, exploitation, oppression and so on which we are very fond of doing here, if we do not put it into practice it has no meaning.
However, each has elements I endorse in theory and try to put into practice in my own life day - to - day.
This is partly why it is so hard to understand or put into practice many of the laws we read about in the Bible.
In fact, since my goal on this site is to Bring Scripture and Theology to Life, I also read lots of books about how to live life, and how best to put my theology into practice.
Every once in a while, an event will unearth emotions that force me to put into practice everything I write about.
Having Bible and Theology knowledge is good, but it is even more important to put what we know into practice.
We tend to pick and choose which parts we like and will try to put into practice.
It means actually taking people out into the world to put the Word into practice.
But Cox saw himself as simply trying to put Catholic Social Teaching into practice.
There's going to be lots of opportunity to discuss and put this into practice: you can ask any question you want!
I wish more of us could remember it and put it into practice.
He omitted as well his expulsion from a Massachusetts church for espousing «marriage reform» and putting his theories into practice with a young member of his congregation.
7:24 «Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Vatican II: the council which was foreseen as necessary by Blessed John Henry Newman; the council which formed the young Joseph Ratzinger in his theological and pastoral thinking; the council which, on his first morning as Pope, Benedict XVI declared that he was determined to put into practice, invoking John Paul II's description of the Council as a» «compass» by which to take ourbearings in the vast ocean of the third millennium.»
As part of their investigation into the practice, The Center for Medical...
Jesus said a lot about how we live, and the Spirit nudges us to put this teaching into practice.
... initiatives... that are already being put into practice... in Institutes of Consecrated Life and in Societies of Apostolic Life, as well as in groups of the faithful and in new communities; 4.
Tom Wright explains it this way: «Heaven's rule, God's rule, is... to be put into practice in the world, resulting in salvation in both the present and the future, a salvation which is both for humans, and through humans, for the wider world.»
With these two points in mind, the verse basically says: «Explore and put into practice the deliverance and rescue plan that God has given to you.
The author addresses this in her introduction, stressing that this work will focus instead on «those around her who would describe themselves as «lesser souls» compared to Therese, but who nevertheless put into practice her «Little Way», those who were part of her life, both in her family and in the monastery.
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