Sentences with phrase «into sacraments»

Why is it that Christians always turn things into sacraments?
The medieval reforms made marriage into a sacrament, a state clearly inferior to celibacy, yet still holy, consensual, and indissoluble.
It is because God dwells in the world that the world can be turned into a sacrament.
«No one should enter into the Sacrament of Marriage without deep reflection on love, and responsibility, and reverence, and especially humility.»

Not exact matches

You can't teach understanding and compassion and love for thy neighbor and then not allow LGBT individuals into your fold, or in the case of the Catholic church, not allow divorcees (or those that marry a divorcee) to participate in all your sacraments.
It is the sacrament in which the Church is most truly what she is, the people of God being daily formed into the body of Christ through the gift of the Lord's body and blood.
Baptism is the Sacrament which brings us into the Church.
They might not use the word «mercy» as much as he wants, but they talk extensively about divine love, grace, the sacraments, and charity, all of which pertain to God's mercy, and which they develop into soteriology, the study of the saving action of God.)
An Anglican theologian, Thatcher converts the Catholic notion of sacrament into a Protestant framework where it does not imply indissolubility.
So my independent critical thinking is this: Jesus Christ founded His Church for His people so when we fall into sin we have His inst!tuted Sacraments to bring us back to the relationship we had with Him at our Baptism; to leave the Church in search of something «man made» because of someone's sin would just mean that I would go somewhere else where there are people and people the world over sin!
In summary we can say that the heart principle of the sacraments is the Self - giving of God to his creatures according to the nature of the creature which raises them into perfect union with himself, One could even argue that God the Son is «sacrament of the angels» in a certain sense for He is their principle of Life and blessedness.
The core principle of the sacraments of the Church therefore lies in this nature of man as «spirit wrapped in matter» or, perhaps better to say, matter integrated into spirit, which has been created by God for intimate union with Himself through Jesus Christ.
Through his preaching, teaching and especially the sacraments, husbands and wives receive from God the life they need to live out their vocation and go deeper into it.
All the sacraments incorporate us into Christ with a restoration that simultaneously sweeps us onwards into the love of God.
Finally, we must always remember that though we may turn away from Jesus, he will always be ready to welcome us into a life - giving encounter through the Church and the sacraments.
Jensen identifies five themes inherent to the sacrament of initiation: the cleansing from sin and sickness; incorporation into the community; sanctification and illumination; death and resurrection; and new creation.
In the sacraments, Jesus acts and transforms fallen man into his likeness.
If Lutherans really believe what their theology says about Word and Sacrament, then I think they would be equally passionate about engaging other Christians: When Christians understand what Christ offers in the sacraments, that understanding, and what is actually received, changes their lives because they come into direct contact with the death and new life of Jesus.
Like untrained gardeners going into an overgrown garden, successors to the Reformers hacked about with machetes, slashing unknowingly through material that had been affirmed for the first thousand years: the sacraments, the honoring of Mary, the eucharistic Real Presence.
The gospel was there prior to Pentecost, Christianity, and all the miracles, sacraments, missionaries, theologians, ministers, churches and institutions that it brought into being.
This sacrament acknowledges, on principle, that the church welcomes the disconcertingly strange, the future in all its squirming uncertainty, into its life.
I move into this by very briefly contrasting Bible as sacrament, with two ways of seeing the Bible that dominated modernity.
Africa must make a quantum leap of faith into God's governance out of the church's history, sacraments, ministries and Christianity.
To impose the sacrament on others would convert it into what it can not be and still be itself: an intrusive creed that divides.
I find that this category, made central in the christological reflection of Beardslee and Cobb, easily lends itself to further elaboration under the theological model of sacrament and to an extension of that model into ecclesiology and sacramentology.
Standing as a permanent sacrament of the Transfiguration, it draws forward the old city into the new and eternal city of beauty — a city in which truth, justice, and beauty embrace in God — a city on which all men and women (whether they know it or not) have already set their hearts.
Standing as a permanent sacrament of Pentecost, the Church draws the world forward out of the old city and into the new and eternal city of truth.
As business / charitable activities has led me into relationships with the Eastern Orthodox Church, Father P ***, Bish S **** introduced as Father («call no man father») as well as church leaders I see very ill informed laiety (some exceptions), with a biblical worldview supplanted by a cultural denominational world view.The concept of Grace is overwhelmed by works, sacraments, membership.
You can find him on Sunday at St. Jude the Apostle Church in Westlake Village, California, being fed by word and sacrament before he brings a lifetime of learning and that melodious voice into the homes, cars, and ear - buds of millions later in the afternoon, from his post behind the microphone at Chavez Ravine.
The church historically has understood marriage as a sacrament, an adventure into impossible commitment which has divine sanction, encouragement and blessing.
At last, the gorgeous surface of things comes to appear as a true mystery, a sacrament destined to transform our imaginations, leading us to reread the world as a poem produced by the one idea, the one who imagines things into being, the sun who is also and always the Son of God.
Some miracles are regular in occurrence (e.g., the change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament, according to the Roman Catholic view), while some are unique (as in Christ's resurrection).
Renewal is embodied in the sacramental life of the church in the sacrament of baptism, a kind of rebirth which brings the individual into the church, the communion of saints, who, because they are in Christ, share a provisional form of paradise.
If the Corinthians suppose that they are somehow (magically) protected from sin and its consequences because they have been baptized into Christ and partake of Christ in the Eucharist, remember, says Paul, that the Israelites had their sacraments, too.
All symbols are ever in danger of becoming spiritual, and not binding images, instead of remaining real signs sent into life; all sacraments are ever in danger of becoming plain experiences, leveled down to the «religious» plane, instead of remaining the incarnate connection between what is above and what is below.
«The sacrament... misleads the faithful into feeling secure in a merely «objective» consummation without any personal participation.»
In the Christian Institute for the Study - of Religion and Society there was an open discussion about a proposal that since Christ transcended not only cultures but also religions and ideologies, the fellowship of confessors of faith in Jesus as the Messiah should not separate from their original religious or secular ideological community but should form fellowships of Christian faith in those communities themselves, and that so long as the Law sees baptism as transference from one community to another it should not be made the condition of entry into the fellowship of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper but made a sacramental privilege for a later time (Ref.
Introduction: «By the sacrament of baptism a person is truly incorporated into Christ and into his Church and is reborn to a sharing of the divine life.
Then an explicit and crucial piece of ecclesiology is inserted into the text, based on a vivid Gospel image well developed by the Fathers: «the wondrous sacrament of the whole Church» emerges from the crucified Lord's pierced side.
Like the poet Heinrich Heine, he considered the sacrament of baptism only as «an entrance card into the community of European culture».
For me I do believe in the Sacraments and the role they play in Salvation - Jesus did change wine into this blood and the bread into his body during the last supper and told believers to do this in his memory and he did foreshadow what would happen on the Cross he gave up his life so we maybe could be saved, because not all who profess Christ is Lord or believe in God will be saved, there are many people who claim they can abuse, sleep around, steal, cheat and that they'll still go to heave because 1 day they said the sinner's prayer, actions speak louder then words.
The sacrament of confirmation is supposed to be the acceptance of Christ as our Lord and Savior, but it's treated in the Catholic Church like «okay, you're going to go through this sacrament even though you may not have spiritually accepted Christ into your heart.»
That ministry is a group of persons who have exhibited «gifts and graces» for this special ministry, either by formal study or other evidence that they are fit and, therefore, specially called into the ministry of word, sacrament, and order.
Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation (meaning to have the person initiated into the Faith).
I'm just beginning to dig into the Catholic understanding of sacraments but I believe there's lots of treasure hidden there that people from our tradition lost a long time ago.
The imagination is attuned to the sounds, sights, scents, that is, physical sensations, so that the interstices or the spacelets of the imagination can be formed by the drama of the Mass. 12 Participating in the liturgy and the sacraments imprints upon the imagination beneficial experiences which influence the intellect and will and, subsequently, generate responses and actions that ow into culture.
But the main stress in the sacrament is found not so much in that kind of talk (which may be appropriate enough for an adult) but in the simple words with which the minister of baptism signs the baptized person with the sign of the cross as he or she is «received into the congregation of Christ's flock»: that «hereafter he [or she] shall not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner, against sin, the world, and the devil, and to continue Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto his [her] life's end.»
Throughgrace and through nature (for God has made them one economy and one identity in the humanity of Christ) Christ (whether passible on earth or impassible but living in His Church, His Sacraments, and His People) is an «ecological» influence if you like, which reaches, especially through us men, into every aspect of creation.
Though I tried to overcome homosexuality by counseling, prayer, fasting, binding temptation, sacraments, etc., I finally crashed into clinical depression and my marriage dissolved.
Admittedly his spiritual direction often included numerous theological references and his constant catch phrase: «I can't go into all that just now», but there was also the constant referral to the living presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and recourse to Our Lady.
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