Sentences with phrase «into sheer repetition»

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The premise is full of possibilities for ludicrous scenarios and yet the developers still to a formulaic, lazy design template for missions that drives the fun combat into the ground through sheer repetition.
After that point, things started to be hammered into place by sheer repetition and some scenes were strangely emotive despite these shortcomings.
Whilst the air of familiarity helps to get into the flow of things early on in the game, the sheer repetition of a number of minor tasks becomes tedious and frustrating very quickly.
Greenberg argued in his 1948 essay «The Crisis of the Easel Picture» that «the dissolution of the pictorial into sheer texture, into apparently sheer sensation, into an accumulation of repetitions, seems to speak for and answer something profound in contemporary sensibility.»
«The dissolution of the pictorial into sheer texture, into apparently sheer sensation, into an accumulation of repetitions, seems to speak for and answer something profound in contemporary sensibility.»
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