Sentences with phrase «into spatiality»

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The original form of Jesus has disappeared from view, transcendence has been swallowed up by immanence, the events of our salvation history have passed into the dead and lifeless moments of an irrevocable past, no heaven can appear above the infinite stretches of a purely exterior spatiality, and no grace can appear within the isolated subjectivity of a momentary consciousness.
The dramatic revisions in our ideas on the spatiality of matter have, therefore, a major implication: We must abandon the assumption that we can understand physical reality by simply locating bits of matter in space without taking into account the relational web of energy - events in which they are situated.
Radiant in his ideas, radiant in his aura, Soulages presents a blackness of contemplation and works of spatiality, which are magnificently put into perspective by Dominique Lévy and Galerie Perrotin.
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