Sentences with phrase «into specific places»

During a session, needles are inserted into specific places (acupuncture points) and are left in for 10 — 20 minutes.
Aside from exploring strictly vegetarian titles, I would also recommend exploring books that dive into specific places and cuisines - that's where you'll find the most delicious inspiration.
Used when a style kit is not enough and usually includes multiple stylesheets, additional scripts and a functions file defining custom Actions allow you to inject a custom function or bit of code into a specific place.

Not exact matches

There are rules already in place for investments in specific registered accounts — RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSAs — to prohibit certain advantages, such as the shifting of taxable income into a registered fund, swap transactions, non-arm's length portfolio investments, and the making of prohibited asset investments in a registered plan.
Because these are people who have been viewing you from a very specific place, your social media personality, you are able to curate that part of your life as well into the decision of which strength to pursue.
The method involves tagging a molecular drug delivery vehicle with synthetic DNA that can then be used to see how cancerous tumors are responding to specific treatments (the drugs themselves are placed into these tagged nanoparticles).
You can get deeper into engagements by noticing what specific types of engagements took place.
Before entering into anything major, and before you start divulging specific information and strategies pertaining to your company, get an agreement in place.
One study, recounted in Made to Stick, showed that 89 % of the most successful ads could be placed into six specific categories.
Key information about the specific mortgages was lost in the process of securitizing mortgages in the first place, and then later repackaging these mortgage securities into collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and CDOs - squared.5 In addition, the complexity of the securities meant that it would be difficult to understand the risks even if an investor had access to all of the relevant mortgage - level information.
While that agreement was never put into effect, the decisions were easily transferable from the original TPP text, with small modifications to reflect the specific NATFA context as well as changes in the digital realm since those negotiations took place in 2012.
Misuse of those tools has plunged Facebook into controversy, from targeting people who expressed interest in anti-Semitic topics such as «jew hater» to excluding specific racial and ethnic groups when placing housing ads.
This striking transformation of life into lifestyle, the way in which the tools, garments, and attitudes specific to particular times and places become commodities to be marketed to anonymous and rootless consumers: they are the natural (if also banal) expressions of our normal nihilism.»
Since the gospel is always received and appropriated in a specific cultural form, and since the church is established and functions as a social institution, the changes that are taking place in global societies have profound implications for churches (as profound, some have suggested, as our initial transition from a regional Jewish Jesus movement into a global Gentile church).
I certainly hope God blesses me with a job that lets me pour all that I am into it, but in the absence of a specific promise God gives me, I will not place my hope somewhere that may become a huge letdown.
The story of the fall, told in Genesis, is to be taken as something true of each of us, not as a historical account of how sin came into the world at a specific time and place in human history.
I suggest that it is in the way in which each succeeding moment along that routing incorporates into itself what has taken place in the past, so that this past is not lost nor rejected but is felt or accepted («prehended» is Whitehead's word for this) and incorporated into the next moment, along with whatever novelty or specific «newness» that next moment includes.
Jesus Christ came into a real world, into a specific time and place; he interacted with actual people and participated in concrete events.
Jesus keeps it simple plus we can avoid judgments and speculation about biblical accounts of war, slavery etc. that related to a specific nomadic tribal people or at a minimum require taking into account a people, time and place some say never existed.
With a priori alienation (Verfremdung) from the text as the starting point, the intelligibility of mind, laboring in and through methodology, would transport the interpreter into the realm of another time and place and by the determination of meaning in relation to a specific historical context would illuminate the obscure text.
A thoroughgoing biblical inquiry into the relation between the «service of God» and what we have come to call the «service of worship» by the congregation of believers assembled in a specific place has got to be undertaken.
By giving bin Laden's body a burial in the Arabian Sea, they prevented his followers from turning any specific site into a sacred place where they could visit his body and dedicate their own bodies to his cause.
While we can't necessarily say why God permits a specific bad thing to take place, we can take into account five truths from scripture that can help us in thinking about What God is doing.
«If it is true that the place of a true prophet during these years was on the road to Auschwitz, did that prophet have the right to utter a specific public condemnation of specific atrocities, thus causing Catholics and Jews, who looked to him for help, to walk before him into the gas chambers?
For more than 130 years, whiskey has come to age inside brick walls and the wooden rows of support in Warehouse C. Nearly 24,000 white oak barrels stretch deep into the darkness, stacked to the ceiling and carefully placed to create a specific taste profile.
We also engineer these tailor - made systems for specific applications, such as placing ready meal components correctly into a distinctively shaped pack.
While there are no specific organic standards created exclusively for regulation of mushroom production, all organic standards that have been set into place for other foods get applied to mushrooms as well.
Both Lambeth and Croydon have their own school food plans in place, which translate national policy into local action, and have identified specific Flagship schools to serve as champions for the programme.
According to a post on The Gottman Institute's website, «Slowly but surely, even for couples who are fiercely opposed to traditional gender roles in their relationship, we find ourselves in gender specific roles during the first few years of parenthood that can remain in place into adolescence.»
There is a lot to take into consideration when taking a baby to a specific place such as temperature, danger, accessibility to tend to babies needs, social norms for that location, and of course, those pesky germs.
But, as often seems to happen, a reasonable idea morphed into the weird restrictive idea that bonding needs to take place under specific circumstances and at specific times or it will be fatally flawed (right after a natural childbirth, exclusive, extended breastfeeding, attachment parenting, etc.)-- and that so obviously is not the case.
Since many unions represent workers in variegated industries and there are several umbrella labor groups, it is difficult to place all of their money into tidy categories, but a breakdown of donations from specific locals shows that the tendency to favor Democrats in 2014 was widespread.
The guidelines also delve into various ways these infections may be prevented, such as using prophylactic antibiotics during placement of the devices, as well as employing «practice bundles,» specific steps neurosurgeons should take when placing shunts and drains.
We found that if we transplanted that naked DNA into another bacterial species, along with associated restriction enzymes [molecular scissors that cut DNA in specific places], the cell's original DNA would be destroyed.
By using «artificial neurons» — essentially lines of code, software — with neural network models, they can parse out the various elements that go into recognizing a specific place or object.
Then, in a separate step, a genetic construct known as single - guide RNA, which steers Cas9 to the specific spots in DNA where cuts are desired, is also placed into the cells.
As an approach to inactivating CCR5, we introduced CCR5 - specific zinc - finger nucleases into human CD4 + T cells prior to adoptive transfer, but the need to protect cells from virus strains that use CXCR4 (X4) in place of or in addition to CCR5 (R5X4) remains.
These provide additional information by placing the temperature anomaly observed for a specific place and time period into historical perspective, showing how the most current month, season, or year compares with the past.
These new maps on the right provide additional information by placing the temperature anomaly observed for a specific place and time period into historical perspective, showing how the most current month, season or year compares with the past.
Before we get into the specific effects of stress on progesterone and healthy balanced hormones, its important to understand why the female body wants progesterone in the first place.
If you're looking for eBooks that don't fit into the more specific Fat Loss, Muscle - Building or Supplement categories, this is the place to look.
Again using the internally shifting weight of the club, speed bumps are going to be placed into each of the three shoulder specific movement.These speed bumps ensure maximal muscular stability recruitment and clean up weak spots in the kinetic chain important for long - term shoulder health.
You don't have to be in a specific place to attain entry into the site.
You can find a number of places that offer different Mexican singles but you might want to take a look at the specific sites that you might get into.
Coupled with fully customisable site designs allowing you to have your site looking exactly as you want it to (or you can use one of our wide choice of pre made templates), multi languages, geo targeting, country specific pricing and payment options, the best affiliate marketing tools, powerful reporting functions to allow you to really get an in depth insight into your traffic and finances, and advertising system's to allow you to make money from adverts that you place on your site, message all or only specific members of your site with newsletters or tempting offers.
Danish cinematographer Magnus Nordenhof Joenck («A War»), also working in the States for the first time, collaborates with Haigh to place the characters into a very specific context, finding both beauty and horror in the American sprawl.
With such an eclectic bunch, all very specific to their time and place in the world, it will be grand to see what each of them is doing, have they grown up, slipped into any old vises etc..
Luoyang is the capital of the empire during a period, and when visting it outside of specific missions that take place there, the entire city is completely deserted save for a pair of guards at each gate plus ~ 10 NPCs grouped into a cluster of 3 buildings who are your standard shopkeepers, found in a corner of the settlement.
Dumping the usual movie liberal pieties into the Sunken Place, Peele made the concept of black paranoia both a universally palpable and psychologically specific, individual thing.
It's your usual assortment of production anecdotes, but Wynorski is pretty good at screen - specific observation, cluing us in on which shots required the most work behind the scenes — like the tracking shot through the furniture store that forced stagehands to move furniture into place and stay out of frame as the camera rolled backwards through the set.
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