Sentences with phrase «into squat position»

Lower into a squat position, keeping your arms straight out in front.
Lower into a squat position, and weave ball behind and around left leg.
Toss ball in the air as high as you can, then catch it while lowering into a squat position (don't let knees go past toes; shown).
The sequence will go: squat down, hands on mat, jump back into plank position, push up, jump feet back up to hands, stand up into squat position, jump up with arms overhead.
Sit back into the squat position described in the Squat and Twist exercise, using the wall for support.
Start with a basic squat: Stand with legs slightly wider than hip - width apart; lower the hips down into squat position.
Place your hands on your hips and bounce up, keeping your squat form, lifting your feet off the ground and land gently again back into the squat position.
Stand with legs just a bit further than hip width apart, and sink into a squat position with your toes pointed outwards.
Lower your body to get into squat position and place both your hands on the floor.
This movement requires you to start from the standing position first and from there you descend down into the squat position in order to place your hands on the ground.
Jump down into a squat position by moving both your hands outwards on the ground and making a push - up position.
Keep your eyes up will descending into the squat position with a neutral spine, eyes up and knees tracking slightly out.
Keeping the weight close to chest, descend into the squat position with a neutral spine, eyes up and knees tracking slightly out.
Keeping the weight close to your chest, descend into the squat position with a neutral spine, eyes up and knees tracking slightly out.
As the sandbag explodes up along your body, prepare to catch it into a squat position underneath your armpits.
Then immediately jump straight up and land back down softly on your toes then dropping right back into your squat position and repeating the movement.
Complete one push - up, then jump your feet forward and come into a squat position.
Once you have established this, start rocking back and forth into your squat position.
Get into a squat position and squat down so your knees are bent at no more than about 60 degrees.
For example, one workout that I will do, popularized by surfer Laird Hamilton, is to get into a squat position at the bottom of the pool and then do an explosive jump squat up and out the surface of the pool as high as I can go while clapping my hands above my head.
These were more like squat jumps because they would get into a squat position each time they jumped.
Step 1: Get into a squat position with thighs in parallel with the floor and grab the barbell with an overhand grip.
Peek behind you, and then swing back into squat position.
Then jump your feet out and transition into a squat position, keeping your arms in front of your body in a «prayer» position.
With your hands placed on your hips, slowly lower into a squat position until your knees are bent at a 90 - degree angle and thighs are parallel to the ground (b).
The next time you want to watch TV or a funny YouTube clip, drop into a squat position or jog in place.
Return into the starting position and jump into a squat position.
Begin to lower into a squat position, keeping your posture upright.
Sit down into a squat position, then jump up in the air as high as you can.
Hold the slam ball in front of your midsection, and lower the body into a squat position.
Begin in a standing position, drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
Descend into squat position allowing hips to sit back.
After this, back into squat position again and swing the dumbbell overhead.
This helps to develop power in the quadricep muscles (amongst others) as landing into a squat position involves an eccentric contraction of the quads to decrease rapid knee bending, before a concentric contraction to straighten the knees and jump up.
Hinge from your hips as you come into your squat position.
-- In the third round, perform the squat by lowering yourself into the squat position with an explosive movement, then slowly come back up.
Drop your hips back into squat position making sure your knees are tracking in line with your toes, as you come up press theweight overhead, arms parallel and palms facing each other.
When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible.
Keeping your elbows back, bend into a squat position — the wider squat the easier it is to get into a low squat with a straight back.
With your feet parallel and toes forward, sit into a squat position with your body weight in your heels.
Lower into a squat position with your hands flat on the floor in front of you.
Jump straight up in the air, bringing your feet together, and land softly back into the squat position.
But jumping from a kneeling position with 405 lbs on your back into a squat position and making a full squat is incredible.
Slowly lower down into a squat position and come back up.
Make it work: Stand straight then lower into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.
On landing, lower body back into the squat position — that is one rep 5.
From here, lower into a squat position until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
Kick feet out without raising your upper body, before moving back down into the squat position.
When you land, go directly back into the squat position and repeat.
Get into a squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes flared out, and your knees above your toes.
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