Sentences with phrase «into subcontracts»

The appellant and respondent verbally entered into a subcontract whereby the respondent would supply the appellant with trucks.

Not exact matches

The provisions of this section shall apply to any subcontract in excess of $ 2,500 entered into by a prime contractor in carrying out any contract for the procurement of personal property and nonpersonal services (including construction) for the United States.
For all bids and contracts entered into after March 1, bidders must now ensure all subcontracts include integrity provisions that are «no less favourable to Canada» than the provisions contained in the Supply Manual.
Currently, the following monetary thresholds for authorization apply at the provincial level: $ 5 million for construction contracts and subcontracts or public - private partnership agreements; and $ 1 million for service contracts and subcontracts entered into pursuant to a call for tenders.
Our firm has been subcontracted by $ Multi Million, global and national organizations to manage various types of outplacement projects for transitioning employees, as well as by educational institutions to facilitate the professional entry of students into the workforce.
Translated business plan and sales forecast into actionable manufacturing, purchasing, and subcontract decision - making information.
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