Sentences with phrase «into systems of belief»

You have no more or less the corner market on truth than those who incorporate faith into their system of belief.
On the issue of humility vis a vis their fantasies — they fantasize about me because they can't incorporate what I actually say into their system of beliefs.

Not exact matches

It only gets complicated when we buy into belief systems about it, rather than our personal experience of it.
I am sorry you need to trick yourself into being happy, there is a growing number of atheist in the world and you will just have to accept your belief system is slowly... but surely dieing.
If your belief system is based on bringing misery into the lives of others who are not in your church, then that's a sad way to live your life.
If someone has at the core of his being something demonstrably wrong, he can never be trusted in ANY context where that belief system comes into play.
History shows the Catholic Church being a lawless body that has been allowed to inflict their beliefs and twisted ways on people in the name of «religion» and force weaker minds into adhering to their closed minded belief system.
I think what usually happens to these people when they are confronted with a convincing truth that challenges their present way of thinking is that they revert to a childish coping mechanism of regressing into a more secure but less mature belief system.
The degrading of learning in the US is almost entirely due to vigorous efforts by christians to ram their belief systems into the school system and replace topics like science with non-thinking dogma.
Metaphysical realism, understood in a processive way, requires this triple sense of objectivity: novel human doings in need of guidance, long - enduring systems of belief that provide the schemata of interpretation by which that guiding can be done, and opportunistic skill in sculpting act and theory, fact and canon, into a coherent, fruitful basis for intelligent action.
Other belief systems proclaim «merit - based redemption'that leads one into a state of constant contemplation of keeping scores, self - righteousness, and adherence to barbaric punitive laws.
I finally understood this after reading Keith Green's biography where he tried a lot of different belief systems looking for the deepest satisfaction and finally settled into Christ in the hippie years because it held for him the depth and strength to satisfy his spiritual longings.
A «primary framework» is one «seen as rendering what would otherwise be a meaningless aspect of the scene into something that is meaningful» (FA 21), and the frame for all such primary frameworks, the understandings shared by a group regarding interpretive schemata, their interrelationships, and «the sum total of forces and agents that these [schemata] acknowledge to be loose in the world,» constitute its «belief system» or «cosmology» (FA 27).
Actually Saraswati, you abandoned your original position that America is a «two party system which only legislation is likely to change» and supported everything I said, which is that legislation is not required, and the number of parties is not designed into the system, and it's not likely to happen because people here prefer to abandon their true beliefs in favor of a lesser evil that might win.
«Secular pluralism says religion is bad for freedom or democracy or tolerance; SR says that's not the case at all, and that to have any hope of achieving peace, we can no longer push religion off to the side or into some private belief system.
It was a very long and complicated answer and way to deep for me, but the short of it was his beliefs were a modified version of Christianity, and other religions woven into one belief system.
His teachings gradually commingled with the beliefs and practices of various evolutionary religions and finally developed into those theologic systems present on Urantia at the opening of the first millennium after Christ.
You're running into the problem that syncretists always do — both of the «syncretized» belief systems include a purist tradition that objects to polluting their Truth with anything from any other source.
Depending on how you draw up definitions, the first can blend into the second, and even the second and third can overlap on some belief systems and philosophical overviews (such as from Whitehead — if you're wondering who he is, he co-wrote the modern founding treatise of logic).
there is a topic other than philosophy called anthropology that narrows - down the belief systems of all peoples of the world into four different categories....
We all need to care when their beliefs are imposed on the rest of us in the form of laws and leak into our public education system, that's when we need to care.
The author seems to have forgotten that the founders of every religion he cites departed from the religious belief systems into which they were born.
I questioned the religion I was raised into and you can say I pretty much made up my own system of practices and beliefs.
You seem to «privilege» your sense of rationality and logic — and cast the irrational and illogical (probably not analogical because you may incorporate analogy into your sense of «logic» but it's illogical, descriptively) I actually see my rationality and logic (such as it is — hardly syllogistic) as always in the service of my attitude, outlook, frame of mind — which is to say, my illogical and irrational belief & bias system — and my unconscious, of which my consciousness is merely tip - of - the - I's berg, or as some linguists said: a snowball on the tip of the iceberg.
The Tablet would like smaller numbers to come, one by one, in a way which provides the opportunity to acclimatise them into the kind of reductionist belief - system they favour.
Instead of bringing spiritual freedom and the realisation of a spiritual goal, as all sound religion should, fundamentalism imprisons people into such a rigid system of belief that they find it difficult to free themselves.
Oh and speaking of hypocrisy and or intolerance... let me clue you into the LGBT culture and belief system — they have as MUCH racism, intolerance and misogyny and misandry, bigotry, social and elitist classist division and hate of heto ro se xuals you cant even BEGIN to imagine.
When a person becomes a Christian, they do so through the saving KNOWLEDGE of Christ which get incorporated into their faith and belief system, and through Baptism and infusion of the Holy Spirit continues to cause regeneration in the life of a person until they die, and inherit eternal life.
Since the Christian belief system is forced upon people at the moment of birth and since the majority of people born in the Western world are born into the Christian faith then it stands to reason that most atheists would be former Christians.
Some people believe because they have met someone who shines with New Creation, some believe because when they are in church they experience or once experienced something, some people believe because belief was inculcated in childhood and has never been challenged or the challenge has never risen to the level to breaking the belief system, some people believe because not to believe is too scary to contemplate, some people believe because they read, heard or saw something that broke through into their heart of hearts... There is no one way into or out of belief.
One of the central tenets of their belief system is that God judges nations as well as men, so they absolutely claim the right to force others into their own belief to forestall God's judgment on the nation they live in.
For generations mainline Protestants have tried to «demythologize» the contents of scriptures and creeds in an effort to gain social and political influence, while dispensationalists have avidly «mythologized» the Bible into ever more incredible systems of belief about the «end times.»
Calvinism is a nihilistic belief system which turns reality into the farce of a cruel Puppet Master.
For many ecofeminists and deep ecologists, such a critique of Christianity is a prelude to its rejection; it is a signal to create new religious systems, opt for non-Western ones, or return to the beliefs and practices of an era preceding the fall of Western civilization into a world - and woman - denying dualism.
Oh man, the sheer amount of effort that religious people put into trying to spin their entire belief system back onto others to save face is staggering!
Religion is supposed to be a code of conduct for individuals who can't figure how to act and behave on own, but more often than not it also turns into a belief system for those who can't think for themselves.
According to thedictionary, a cult is any «system of religious belief or teaching», which means that ALL religions are cults, and the only difference between them is the number of people they have managed to con into following them.
Please Bill understand that what is written in your dogma relates to your lot only, those that have been programed into the flock, leave the rest of the society to go through life with a different belief system or none at all.
What began as something of a universal truth — vegetables are good for you, processed foods are not — snowballed into a highly - commercialized belief system complete with its own factions, splinter groups, and (yes) extremists.
Reprogrammed belief system, decided after originally planning elective caesarean that home birth was the go, committed time and energy into being pregnancy and preparing for birth, faith over fear, comfortable with midwife after devoting time and energy into the relationship, created vision board and reflected daily, music at birth, swayed body, focused inwards, concentrated on breath, support from partner, relief in water pool, slipped in and out of dreamlike consciousness, caught baby in own hand s, profound spiritual connection, trusting
A lot of these birth stories have enough NCB tropes that it's easy to see that the woman bought into an existing belief system.
Whenever we buy into those belief systems that we aren't good enough and are making a mess of things, we reinforce our fear.
Finally, as well as getting people into work, and taking action to improve wages and working conditions, a social security system built on our belief in the dignity of work, must ensure that people are rewarded for the effort and contribution they make throughout their working lives.
Cox says the new two - day APD training for officers includes a remedial on implicit bias: how unconscious attitudes and beliefs can affect the everyday judgment and decision - making of police officers, who will now learn how to cast those old measures of character aside and use their discretion to divert low - level offenders from the criminal justice system into coordinated, managed, health - based services.
Contrary to current beliefs viewing gang structure as hierarchical and clan recruiting processes as rigorous, Red Gang members described their gang structure as a loose social network into which individuals drifted through friendships with current associates; similarly, gang leadership was said to be the result of personal dexterity — individuals ascended to command status because of their personal traits — rather than the outcome of a selective system imposed from above.
Dr Jago Cooper said: «For the millions of indigenous peoples living in the Caribbean before European arrival, caves represented portals into a spiritual realm, and therefore these new discoveries of the artists at work within them captures, the essence of their belief systems and the building blocks of their cultural identity.»
Whatever your faith or belief system — whether its God, Buddha, Mohammad or just nature — learn to tap into this as a source of strength and purpose to guide your intuitive self.
It is also worth mentioning that there are plenty of skin specialists (dermatologists) unfortunately with rather inflexible or even «incurable» belief systems when it comes to psoriasis, who play right into the hands of their psoriasis patients by continually prescribing strong drugs for both internal and external use.
When a government official (Driver) starts interviewing members of the cult, he is given an eye - opening realization into their belief system and how the boy plays into it.
Silence is about the struggle to reconcile long - held ideals with everyday moral behavior; about the threat of violence that's always present when deep - held belief systems, especially religious ones, come into conflict; and about the lasting damage inflicted by a global colonialist system that was just gearing up in the 1640s but that persists in many guises today.
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