Sentences with phrase «into tangible changes»

It remains to be seen, of course, if and how this «big picture» thinking might translate into tangible changes.
To avoid another round of disappointed hopes and expectations, this impetus needs to be converted into tangible change in the short and medium term.

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The company now has the ability to quickly and easily translate customer requests and feedback into tangible product changes.
These profound changes send the message that there is no longer any tangible recognition of the risk B.C.'s women and men take when they walk away from secure jobs and pensions, to invest their savings into starting their own small business; businesses that create new tax revenues by providing employment, paying suppliers, and collecting GST and income taxes.
Studies were inconclusive as to whether these changes translated directly into added strength and agility or any other tangible benefit.
FARROW: But, you know, I think what we see now is a community really struggling to take that kind of nuclear blast of the Weinstein story and translate it into tangible, lasting change.
Some tangible changes will include the breakdown of Barringer High School into three separate schools and an almost certain turnover of staff and leadership at West Side High School, which will become the newest «renewal school» in the district.
While SEL program outcomes fall into the «soft skill» realm, or, more sarcastically, the «warm and fuzzy» arena, the benefits are dramatic, tangible and life - changing for the students and schools where they're implemented.
... At the end of this heartfelt and well - paced novel nothing tangible has changed; Emilia still misses Isabel, still finds William's questions trying, still finds it a challenge to cope with the ex-wife; but she has survived and grown through her grief, having been transformed into someone who can appreciate the «accidental beauty» of life in both the good and bad moments.
As participants share stories that evolve into tangible ideas, small communities of change emerge.
Upon reflection this was mainly due to the fact that I was putting my studies into practice and could see a tangible result to how the law helps people and could influence and change policy.
«We believe that Blockchain technology has the potential to change the very fabric of daily society and we're here to ensure that the best projects have lasting power to make tangible progress and participants focus their efforts into the best projects with strong tokenomics The core of its success will be greatly determined by our global community: the Wemerge Community.
Using a variety of tools and resources, we cultivate potential and develop it into tangible outcomes whether the goal is managing one's career or making a change, becoming a more effective leader or increasing team collaboration and communication for top performance.
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