Sentences with phrase «into vegetative state»

She shares no platitudes or explanations — just the raw emotions of parents whose child would, as Rapp describes, «gradually regress into a vegetative state within the span of one year....
Despite subsequent treatment that helped clear the metal from her body, she lapsed into a vegetative state in February and died the following June.
The effects of the drug seemed to last for approximately 4 hours, after which Patient L would relapse into the vegetative state.
Angela Sirigu and her team stimulated the brain of a man who fell into a vegetative state after a car crash 2001.
Grace and Ubelhart sell clones, which are clippings from mother plants, a high - quality plant that will continuously produce potent buds if put into a vegetative state.

Not exact matches

If the technology helps other people recovering from coma, Monti said, it could eventually be used to build a portable device — perhaps incorporated into a helmet — as a low - cost way to help «wake up» patients, perhaps even those who are in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.
In 2005, just as the deep brain stimulation patient was making his first forays into awareness, the fate of Terri Schiavo, a Florida woman who had been in a vegetative state since 1990, sparked an ideological war.
Disorders of consciousness come in shades of gray, from severely impaired «vegetative states» to the perplexing «minimally conscious state» in which people slip into and out of awareness.
Patients in a minimally conscious state (MCS) fall into an importantly different diagnostic category than patients in the more familiar vegetative sta...
The questions aren't asked to help the reader tap into the agonizing issues related to Terri Schiavo's feeding tube and partial vegetative state.
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