Sentences with phrase «into view like»

There are even some invisible critters that morph into view like the stealth suite in Metal Gear Solid.
Jan 04,2016... Bursting into view like a laser, Ray Lewis injects into hissurroundings a jolt of unfettered energy...

Not exact matches

«So if you have a long - term view that markets are frothy, they have taken some of the froth out and if you are really investing for a 10 - year horizon, yeah you buy the stocks that are solid, that you think you like the underlying earnings and you go into them and you wait until they calm down,» he said.
Leff also offers his clients a credit card, which looks like a charge account from the customer's point of view but feeds directly into CDS.
«Our conversations with investors certainly indicated a «have» and «have not» view of media stocks domestically, with [bigger companies](the Haves) able to leverage their large breadth of content into something near full carriage on emerging distribution packages like YouTube TV, perhaps at the expense of the Have Not [small to medium companies],» RBC analyst Steven Cahall wrote in a note to clients Monday.
But the T - Fal Classic Avante 2 - Slice Toaster with its a 30 - degree incline has garnered legions of fans who like that they can get a better view of their bread being transformed into toast.
Any cheaper and we're getting into low - powered phone - based systems like Samsung's Gear VR and Google's newly announced Daydream View.
They, like any younger generation don't exactly know what they're getting into, except their own views of right and wrong, good and bad, and green.
Tap into competitor's data such as bounce rate and engagement metrics, like daily page views per visitor and time on site.
So this all becomes a very interesting view of the world: once we get to that level, contracts become like rudimentary AIs working on your behalf, [and] we begin to enter into the collaborative economy where true peer - to - peer nature can emerge.
Bernanke also provided a key insight into how central banks view cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, saying, «Bitcoin is meant to be an attempt to replace fiat currencies and evade government regulation and government intervention.»
Alternately, you can simply grab the most pertinent post information from your content calendar and plug it into a separate editorial reporting template, like the one our team uses for monthly updates (click on the image below to view the full template, or download your own copy).
Reading Transformational Technology Alert gives you a unique and compelling view into what the world of tomorrow may look like.
Remember, the vast majority of the world thinks it's impossible to consistently make more than 10 - 20 % / year returns so everyone eats up boring, conservative, diversified mutual funds and long - term investments, at their most speculative being in giant companies like Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG)... viewing inspirational stories like this turning $ 1,500 into $ 1 million and and this international trader and this teenager with skepticism...
There are numerous kinds of trading strategies which I will look into, to give you a sharper view of what the strategies are like.
The view of the lower life form is not one you like but to be realistic, must be taken into account when using the theoretical existence of a like form so far in advance of or outside one's own frame of reference.
To my mind, it accords better with what we know about the laws impressed upon matter by the Creator that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes, like those determining the birth and death of the individual... There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been breathed into a few forms or into one...»
With guys like Opposing View, Live4Him and Lawrence of Arabia on this blog, steven doesn't even get into the top 100.
I don't want to see anything swept under any rugs — I feel like anyone accusing me of this must be mis - reading me — either willfully, or because you've become so swept up into one way of reading this online discourse, that you feel any divergent view must be swiftly — and shrilly — dispatched.
It was as a tutor in Oriel College that Newman first had the chance to put into action his view of what university education should be like — and it proved to be controversial.
His typical pattern of writing is to take a hackneyed, obvious notion like the Romantic view of the corrupt city and the innocent country, and twist it into complex, awkward shapes in an attempt to make it express the far denser mood - thought he felt about the city.
But since then I've been drawn back again and again by her unique point of view, as exhibited in posts like «Growing Into Authority,» «10 Reasons Rural Ministry is Great,» and «The Reality of Rural Poverty,» I've even been reading her series on Reformed Theology!
The major importance of Hartshorne's work in my view» is the way in which his dipolar panentheism indicates the possibility of a concept of God which allows believers to speak of him as an individual, personal reality and significantly to use active verbs of him — like love, create, know, respond — without denying anything that properly belongs to his ultimacy and worshipfulness and without falling into self - contradiction.
Now that Kinsey and his associates, and subsequently others like Johnson and Masters, have courageously brought research about sex problems into public view, it is very likely that a few expert ministers equipped to work along with clinicians will be needed in the future.
This leads our discussion into very complex relationships, but if I may be permitted to summarize without doing full justice to the subtlety of Brightman's view, his mature account goes something like the following.
Rather than trusting the scriptural oracles of God (which, in Paul's view, point to Christ and the church), they have slid away into unfaithfulness just like the gentiles.
Drawing on personal experience, I'd bet they fear that if they speak up at all, they'll be painted into the corner of an extreme view by others, just like Brene Brown experienced.
It was only after I started to look into how controversial issues like abortion and divorce were handled in other liberal democracies that I realized how my dean's slogan has been used not only to silence religiously grounded views, but to silence all opposition to abortion.
Jeremy i am surprised you never countered my argument Up till now the above view has been my understanding however things change when the holy spirit speaks.He amazes me because its always new never old and it reveals why we often misunderstand scripture in the case of the woman caught in adultery.We see how she was condemned to die and by the grace of God Jesus came to her rescue that seems familar to all of us then when they were alone he said to her Go and sin no more.This is the point we misunderstand prior to there meeting it was all about her death when she encountered Jesus something incredible happened he turned a death situation into life situation so from our background as sinners we still in our thinking and understanding dwell in the darkness our minds are closed to the truth.In effect what Jesus was saying to her and us is chose life and do nt look back that is what he meant and that is the walk we need to live for him.That to me was a revelation it was always there but hidden.Does it change that we need discipline in the church that we need rules and guidelines for our actions no we still need those things.But does it change how we view non believers and even ourselves definitely its not about sin but its all about choosing life and living.He also revealed some other interesting things on salvation so i might mention those on the once saved always saved discussion.Jeremy just want to say i really appreciate your website because i have not really discussed issues like this and it really is making me press in to the Lord for answers to some of those really difficult questions.regards brentnz
Alma's son joins a Colorado religious commune which bursts into public view in a Waco - like confrontation.
A building eventually came into view, a grand mansion - like house with stone steps reaching towards it, a Sports centre and an old Science centre and then finally, the car park.
I use the historical apologetic of men like John Warwick Montgomery and come from a place of looking at the Bible like any book and dissecting the claims it makes and going into the historical evidence for the deity of Jesus Christ and proceeding from the view He took of scripture.
This rejectionism had, over time, crystallized — some would say, fossilized — into the view that the legal establishment of the Catholic Church as the official religion of the state was the desired arrangement (the «thesis,» in the theological jargon of the day), while other arrangements (like the American constitutional order) were mere «hypotheses» that could, under certain historical circumstances, be «tolerated» — even as Catholics in countries governed by the «hypothesis» worked for the day when the «thesis» of Catholic establishment could be....
The formalist tradition in the philosophy of science has maintained some version of the view that a law - like statement is of universal form, capable of being put into conditional form.
Just like you tried to do... shame me into accepting your personal views as God's truth.
In the pre-Enlightenment period, a notion like «Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch» did not function so much to invite inquiry into the mind, circumstances and psychology of Moses as it did to unite the literature under a single coordinating point of view, urging the reader to see a synthetic purpose within even the most heterogeneous and diverse collection of traditions.
But when your views are so narrow, I suppose they feel like they must force their congregations into doing what the church leaders want them to do... hmmm remind you of another religion... just say Allah.
Its sad to see how much of a negative view he seems to innately have of women, especially when one doesn't fit into his little box of what a woman is meant to be like.
Like many other old liberal Protestant ideas, Dibelius's view passed into wide circulation in the Catholic world when biblical studies engaged with modern historical criticism at the time of the Second Vatican Council.
Whether Oomen's view is more or less like Whitehead's, I hesitate to say since Whitehead's view is not clear, but any formulation of a single - entity view of God will likely stumble into the illogic of substance philosophy, «the notion of an actual entity which is characterized by essential qualities, and remains numerically one amidst the changes of accidental relations and of accidental qualities» (PR 79).11 New additions to God's satisfaction «would certainly be accidental.
Although the penal substitution and ransom theories of atonement are good for putting the cross into full perspective, I like the early Christian view of the cross — Jesus was obedient to His Father (and our heavenly Father), even unto death.
What I like about them is getting the «raw,» unfiltered view into the lives of people I admire over the internet, and I do think it might make readers feel more connected as well.
I assume that Douglas's tongue was firmly planted in his cheek when he wrote this assessment, but his comment hints at a wide range of opinion about the subject, from those people who believe, like cookbook author Manju Shivraj Singh, that «the tongue becomes a slave to the flavor of curry — it is an addiction,» to critics who view curry as an insipid yellow powder that is turned into a floury, yellow cream sauce.
Media is happy to paint what - ever picture will get the most views and the WengerOut / WengerIn debate is like turning lead into gold for them, they will keep using it to get people reading and happy to perpetuate misinformation for the continued views.
My view is, yes any class player can fit into a different position on a temporary basis but it doesn't mean they like it or find it necessarily natural, can become frustrated.
I think Joeger probably likes to see Mason continually dribble into the teeth of the defense, he views it as him having heart and attacking.
Nothing his obsession with bringing politics into almost all his posts and his borderline creepy obsession with liberals («worse than dog shit» because they have different views on like 5 hot button items, really dude?
The only real issue with the match remains the build to it, in which Alexa Bliss correctly pointed out that it's weird she was defending her title instead of awaiting a Mania opponent like Lesnar, moments after RAW general manager Kurt Angle simply placed five opponents who had lost the Royal Rumble match into an outright championship match at the next pay - per - view.
I do not think he is corrupt (at the moment) but from my point of view it certainly looks like bias.Also I doubt he would want to take the point many people are making (that he cheated) into a court and open what would be a very public discussion.Irrespective of the result the ramifications of such a case would be far reaching indeed and would maybe result in a fair system where footballers and not referees affect the outcome of football matches.
The hole has evolved over the years from a «stadium» like design, with mounding and hills for fans to congregate on, and still have a view of the golf into a full - throttle arena.
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