Sentences with phrase «intravascular hemolysis»

Once targeted, the red blood cells are either destroyed within the blood vessels by a process called intravascular hemolysis or destroyed when they circulate through the liver or spleen by a process called extravascular hemolysis.
There have been reports of famotidine causing intravascular hemolysis when given intravenously to cats.
It can occur inside the blood stream (intravascular hemolysis) or outside the bloodstream (extravascular hemolysis).
Myoglobin as well as hemoglobin cause the same portion of the urine dipstick to become positive (ie myoglobinema and intravascular hemolysis).
Zinc can cause severe and life - threatening intravascular hemolysis, which can be complicated by the development of potentially severe pancreatitis.

Not exact matches

This disease involves intravascular erythrocyte agglutination, also known as hemolysis, caused by cold reactive IgM or IgG antibodies.
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