Sentences with phrase «intricate brain connections»

Being laid in a cradle hold is less favorable to the intricate brain connections.

Not exact matches

At the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, a psychiatric team is mapping the brain's intricate web of neural connections, using images from MRI scans, to try to identify regions responsible for depression.
About 5 years ago, neuroscientist Tony Zador was struck by a novel idea for how to build a synapse - by - synapse map of brain connections — a goal dear to neuroscientists who want to understand how the brain's intricate wiring underlies its functions.
This excerpt from a leading neuroscientist's book on the brain's intricate connections levels a critique at the prospects for the Human Brain Project, profiled in the June brain's intricate connections levels a critique at the prospects for the Human Brain Project, profiled in the June Brain Project, profiled in the June issue
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