Sentences with phrase «intriguing exploration»

There were collectives of all sorts and even thesis project shows, like the one from the NYU Tisch ITP Program, which included a number of intriguing explorations of the intersection of technology and art.
Created by Joe Weisberg, an ex-CIA agent of four years and the brother of Slate Group editor - in - chief Jacob Weisberg, «The Americans» is a meat - and - potatoes show whose classic conflict set - up and intriguing explorations of moored (and unmoored) personal identity amidst chronic, ingrained deceit win out over some occasionally soapier instincts.
While this comedy is an intriguing exploration of mental illness, the title is perhaps too accurate: it's only kind of funny.
Instead of being an intriguing exploration of ageing, the...
Then replace James Stewart in a wheelchair with Emily Blunt addled by alcohol and you have the ingredients for an intriguing exploration of perception, voyeurism and memory, all of which come together in Tate Taylor's gripping and compelling adaptation of Paula Hawkins» novel The Girl on the Train.
It's a premise ripe for some intriguing exploration and discussion, except that they seem to be scared to actually do anything with it in case they offend someone.
Sword & Sworcery focuses on intriguing exploration and tricky puzzles, with short sword battles from time - to - time.
In this installation, Gabbiani proposes a personal and intriguing exploration of mystical powers and magical spells.
Zabludowicz Collection Invites: The ARKA Group is an intriguing exploration of marginal spaces in society.
The newest body of work by Troika is an intriguing exploration on who rational thinking and scientific methods have been altering our capabilities to perceive the world.
An intriguing exploration of the ways in which photography can be used to archive the contents of a single life — while potentially distorting the creative trajectory of that life by posing a retrospective order on it.
Overall, the project sheds light on an artist whose work lies in an idiosyncratic approach to picture making, marked with an intriguing exploration of the unknown.
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