Sentences with phrase «introduces new uncertainty»

While this introduces new uncertainty regarding complaints which businesses probably thought were historic, it is important to clarify that it will not reopen matters which have been settled by settlement agreement or via ACAS.
«We need to give teachers the tools they need, not introduce new uncertainty by changing the rules midyear and letting politics drive pedagogy,» said Jonathan...
«We need to give teachers the tools they need, not introduce new uncertainty by changing the rules midyear and letting politics drive pedagogy,» said Jonathan Schleifer, executive director of Educators 4 Excellence, a nonprofit group.

Not exact matches

Earlier this month, for instance, the EU introduced new guidelines that encouraged national and local authorities to ditch the patchwork of regulatory actions that apply to sharing economy startups like Uber and Airbnb, saying that the current rules have created uncertainty for companies and consumers alike.
Any further exits from the EU, or a belief that such exits will occur, may cause additional market disruption globally and introduce new legal and regulatory uncertainties.
Robert E. Lighthizer, the U.S. trade representative, also is seeking a new «sunset clause» that would require the treaty to be renewed every five years, a feature that business groups say would introduce excessive uncertainty in their planning.
The article read, «The drop introduced a new level of uncertainty into the oil market, perplexing those who track the price of oil.
Any further exits from the EU, or belief that such exits will occur, may cause additional market disruption globally and introduce new legal and regulatory uncertainties.
Expansion can also introduce new risks and uncertainties — one of the biggest being your cash flow.
A new experiment shows that measuring a quantum system does not necessarily introduce uncertainty
He is the author of the most acclaimed book on the movie industry, Hollywood Economics: How Extreme Uncertainty Shapes the Film Industry, and of the book on the Evolutionary Fitness diet we are introducing today — The New Evolution Diet.
Even those who seem comfortable when you first introduce these new challenges early in the year can hit a wall as content and assessment take a turn toward uncertainty, requiring more intense application of their executive function.
Inevitably, focus in the discussions is on problems with MW, but it is worth stating upfront here (as is also stated in a number of the papers) that MW made positive contributions to the discussion as well — they introduced a number of new methods (and provided code that allows everyone to try them out), and their use of the Monte Carlo / Markov Chain (MCMC) Bayesian approach to assess uncertainties in the reconstructions is certainly interesting.
It is a Catch - 22; on one hand the raw data has issues, on the other, at the bare minimum some sort of infilling and gridding is needed to produce a representative signal for the CONUS, but in producing that, new biases and uncertainty is introduced.
The main new aspect i introduce here is NUSAP, which is a way to categorize and assess uncertainty (including pedigree) in complicated multi premise problems and models, which has been widely applied in water resources and other environmental problems.
This difference in purpose from carbon removal and mitigation, as well as the novel risks and uncertainties introduced by this new type of climate influence, will require separate governance and ethics considerations.
The M&W paper introduces a number of new methods to do reconstructions and assess uncertainties, that haven't previously been used in the climate literature.
Despite lingering economic uncertainty, vendors of mobile technology recently demonstrated their optimism by introducing an array of new products at several computer trade shows.
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