Sentences with phrase «introducing paid mods»

It's pretty evident at this point, that many people are upset at Valve for introducing paid mods into the Steam Workshop.
We also discuss news from this week, including Steam introducing paid mods, queer characters in gaming, as well as what defines noir in the gaming space.
Most headlines in regards to the Creation Club are some iteration of, «Bethesda Introduces Paid Mods
Valve introduced paid mods for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in 2015 but removed the feature 4 days later following an overwhelmingly negative response.

Not exact matches

The first of the reports, carried out by Education Datalab, measured what the impact of a «modest» 5 per cent pay increase for early - career maths and science teachers in England would have been, had it been introduced in 2010.
Our findings suggest that most schools have introduced only modest changes to their pay policies.
Bethesda has no plans to introduce paid - for mods in Fallout 4, the game's director has claimed.
There had since been suggestions that Bethesda may once again try to introduce paid - for mods into one of its titles, following its unsuccessful attempt to do the same on Skyrim on Steam.
Studio Wildcard also introduced a fairly innovative sponsored mod program, wherein it pays modders a monthly salary and provides them support to develop new maps and mods, though in large part we're still waiting to see how that shakes out in terms of new content in the future.
The Ministry of Justice proposed introducing qualified one - way costs shifting (QOCS) for defamation and invasion of privacy cases in September, in response to concerns raised by the Leveson Report that the fear of having to pay enormous costs puts people of modest means off suing the media.
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