Sentences with phrase «introduction of the accountability policies»

Before the introduction of the accountability policy in Chicago, a surprisingly high proportion of students left one or more items of the ITBS exam blank.
Moreover, because achievement data were available back to 1990, six years prior to the introduction of the accountability policies, I was able to account for preexisting achievement trends within Chicago.
The size of achievement gains following the introduction of the accountability policy differed across item areas.

Not exact matches

This study examined Career Academies in the early 1990s, before many of the occupations common today even existed and prior to the introduction of policies with important implications for secondary schools (e.g., school accountability).
Finally, these trends will be provided to policy makers in a «State of the Nation» report about the real, but often hidden, costs and benefits of initiatives such as the introduction of a national curriculum and changes to national testing and accountability requirements.
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