Sentences with phrase «introduction of the bill»

With roots in the Aboriginal community, Idle No More began in November 2012 as a protest against the Harper government's introduction of Bill C - 45.
Cuomo's introduction of the bill comes as his rival for the Democratic nomination, actress and advocate Cynthia Nixon, appeared at the climate rally about a mile away from the Capitol.
AVMA applauds introduction of bill to increase access to veterinary care in underserved areas
The Rev. Al Sharpton gave a powerful introduction of Bill Bratton.
By Paul Snyder Introduction of a bill that would tap sales taxes to pay for state road construction is the first step toward a possible solution to a $ 30 million budget deficit, according to transportation industry representatives.
Earlier last week, The Student Loan Report covered Senator Tammy Baldwin's (D - WI) introduction of bill S. 1808, otherwise known as the «Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act of 2017.»
Upon introduction of the bill, Inhofe said, «Moving beyond the confusing, command - and - control mandates of the past, Clear Skies cap - and - trade system harnesses the power of technology and innovation to bring about significant reductions in harmful pollutants.»
The federal government is clearly headed down this path with the introduction of Bill C - 25 and actually, the Quebec government had joined the road forward with the creation of new VRSPs - another acronym that simply means Voluntary Registered Savings Plans - similar to the PRPP model.
During the fall sitting, the NDPâ $ ™ s introduction of Bill 24, An Act to Support Gay - Straight Alliances, was a trap for the United Conservativesâ $» and they fell into it head first.
Following an introduction of the bill by the Senator, speakers included Mass Audubon President Henry Tepper, The Nature Conservancy state director Wayne Klockner, and several legislative co-sponsors including Representative Frank Smizik, chair of the House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change.
Also at 11 a.m., Assemblyman Ron Castorina announces his introduction of a bill that would require an NYPD officer at every school in New York City, Tottenville High School, 100 Luten Ave., Staten Island.
On the flip - side, hundreds of independent media outlets were closed in the run - up to the introduction of the bill and the subsequent campaign for the referendum.
Also at 11 a.m., Assembly Assistant Speaker Felix Ortiz will hold a press conference to announce the introduction of a bill that requires that a licensed or certified school social worker be placed in each elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high and senior high school, LCA Press Room (130), LOB, State Street, Albany.
The introduction of these bills is a continuation of the work that the IDC has done to shine light on this issue.
Marcellino's introduction of these bills could give those in the education reform movement some pause: Flanagan, as education committee chairman, was seen as generally supportive of Common Core - based standards.
«The Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development was commended for its support for the introduction of the Bill and implore them to intensify efforts on the passage of the Bill.
After initially signaling he would back from his plan to introduce his own enabling legislation for building casinos, Sen. John Bonacic today announced the introduction of a bill that would give priority to the Catskill region.
Also at noon, NYC Councilmen Costa Constantinides and Ydanis Rodriguez announce the introduction of a bill to create a pilot program for electric vehicle charging stations on street parking, aiming to encourage the use of electric cars, and help reduce carbon emissions citywide, City Hall steps, Manhattan.
«This is why we have said that we believe that the introduction of a bill of rights providing a greater definition of rights and responsibilities under the ECHR would be valuable.
Senator John Flanagan, a Long Island Republican who chairs his chamber's education committee, said «there was a lot of intervening time» between Cuomo's introduction of the bill and his impending decision to veto it.
Tenney on Monday announced the introduction of a bill that would block members of Congress convicted of corruption from receiving their pensions.
The introduction of the bill comes less than a year after a new majority, featuring Carl Paladino and Larry Quinn, took control of the Buffalo School Board.
Katko today called out instances in which Maffei used the introduction of bills to claim success in office.
I don't believe this has been a partisan redistricting process,» Skelos said after a news conference on the introduction of a bill that would expand the state's DNA database.
This article discusses Governor Cuomo's use of a «message of necessity,» which bypasses the three day waiting period between the introduction of a bill and when it can be voted on, in order to rename the Tappan Zee bridge after his father.
«Despite its intent,» said Rachel Bloom, director of public policy and programs, «the introduction of the bill at this late stage in the municipal election cycle is a deviation of the carefully measured process by which the program is updated and revised.»
One of NCSE's most important jobs is keeping an eye on statehouses across the country for the introduction of bills that would allow, encourage, or even require teachers to teach scientifically...
After the introduction of this bill, Baldwin said, «Higher education should be a path to prosperity, not a path into suffocating debt.»
Animal Law Coalition has been working towards the introduction of this bill with North Carolina Coalition for Humane Euthanasia (NCCHE) and American Humane Association (AHA).
New Jersey Senator Ray Lesniak is hoping to change all that with the introduction of bill S63, which passed a vote in the state's Senate Budget Committee last week, and will likely be voted on this coming Thursday by the full Senate.
Video was posted on Hillier's website of the introduction of the bill.
«It is unfortunate that the federal government has stood in the way of American farmers, including many who are struggling to make ends meet, from competing in the global industrial hemp market,» said Representative Ron Paul during his introduction of the bill yesterday before the U.S. House.
The «Independent» Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) memo obtained by DeSmogBlog was written in 2009, five days before the introduction of bills aimed at closing loopholes around the chemicals used in fracking.
So it was disappointing to see the introduction of a bill in Congress (H.R. 2705) to remove trailers from the program.
November 1, 2010 saw the introduction of Bills C - 51 (Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act) and C - 52 (An Act regulating telecommunications facilities to support investigations).
Resolving this tension will be the key to advancing a multi-party platform for the introduction of a Bill of Rights.
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews and Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq held a joint press conference on March 5 to announce the introduction of a bill that would create the new offence of «trafficking in contraband tobacco».
TORONTO, December 12, 2016 — The Canadian HIV / AIDS Legal Network welcomes the introduction of Bill C - 37, which — at long last — signals a real turning point in Canada's drug policy, emphasizing evidence, public health and human rights above fear, stigma and misinformation.
How can I oppose the introduction of this bill (C - 30) as it grants the govt.
In August 2015 we posted a blog entry outlining the Government of Ontario's release of details surrounding the introduction of Bill 56, An Act to require the establishment of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan in 2014.
With much anticipation after the introduction of Bill 56, An Act to require the establishment of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan in 2014, the Ontario government recently unveiled details on the new Ontario Retirement Pension Plan («ORPP») that have clarified the impact of the ORPP on employers.
In light of Lord Phillips» comments, the introduction of a Bill of Rights (or a Human Rights Act Plus) now may present an opportunity to impose the rights guaranteed by the ECHR more forcefully and enduringly on the British legal system, in a way which would make it at least more difficult (perhaps «impossible» is too lofty an aim) to alter or repeal in the future.
With much anticipation after the introduction of Bill 56, An Act to require the establishment of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan in 2014, the Ontario government recently unveiled details on -LSB-...]
As the Post-Gazette article highlights, the Pennsylvania Innocence Project is supporting the introduction of a bill during this legislative term that will provide for compensation and re-entry awards for exonerees.
In August 2015 we posted a blog entry outlining the Government of Ontario's release of details surrounding the introduction of Bill 56, An Act to require the establishment of the Ontario -LSB-...]
Bill 106 — Of course, the highlight of the year was the introduction of Bill 106, being a substantial revamping of the Condominium Act.
In trying to understand why this would be in the news after sitting just at First Reading since November 19, 2008, I found the following related materials from the website of Cambridge MPP Gerry Martiniuk that preceded the introduction of the Bill:
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