Sentences with phrase «intuitive feelings about»

Everything starts with winning the trust of the individual, and trust arises from basic intuitive feelings about the reliability of another person or entity.
With years of practical experience in the cotton manufacturing industry, Jagger developed an intuitive feel about what machines could do.
The intuitive feeling about when it's good, or when it is not ready, is an important measure.
Many of these proposals seem to me very unlikely to be true based on intuitive feeling about the orders of magnitudes of the strengths of the mechanisms.

Not exact matches

Everything about Audi's interior design is purposeful; it's smart, intuitive, and sophisticated without feeling over-the-top.
This is a great easy to read primer on the Millennials and includes a number of informative and intuitive infographics highlighting how Millennials feel about money and their personal finances.
By contrast, those — and they seem primarily to be women — who approach experience intuitively, grasping feeling tone and insisting that value, emotion, and purpose are experienced within reality are usually patted on the head for contributing such insights and then dismissed as too emotional or intuitive to be trusted with contributing anything important about the «real» world.
Whether you live and breathe freestyle cooking, or you want to learn a bit more about being intuitive in the kitchen, check out Pantry to Plate, I have a feeling it will earn an important place on your bookshelf:)
I've spoken about my love for the outdoors here before and this move feels so intuitive.
Much of his guidance was for general academic issues, but he was quite intuitive and understanding about my personal feelings.
In the last few years of travel, many young girls have come up to me and told me hauntingly similar stories of their lives and thanked me for the work I put out with Strala, and an intuitive approach to food and how we feel about and take care of ourselves.
If you feel at peace and in joy when you think about a new situation, it's driven from your intuitive guidance.
It's a much more natural, intuitive way of eating, and you'll know when you've found the right ratio for you because you'll feel simply wonderful, which is what HEALTH is really all about.
I talked to y ’ all about intuitive exercise (and how sometimes it doesn't feel good).
- Guide you through the principles of Intuitive Eating - Use a Health At Every Size approach - Listen to and validate your experiences, concerns and feelings about food, exercise and your body - Support you in your recovery from an eating disorder or disordered eating - Empower you to prioritize self - care - Help you develop strategies for rejecting diet mentality and trusting your body - Be available between sessions for questions or just to vent to - Offer evidence - based advice on gentle nutrition (including vegan and vegetarian nutrition)
I follow a few intuitive eating blogs and one in particular is very much about eating whatever you feel like, which just doesn't work if you've spent years eating trash.
Intuitive eating teaches you to honor the subtle signs of hunger, so you can make rational choices about food, and stop eating when you feel satisfied.
The thing about dairy is that we are all indoctrinated to think that we must have dairy, that our bodies need dairy, but what feels like intuitive knowledge is actually just a product of the dairy industry's powerful marketing efforts.
Daxle has helped me see that worrying about perfect Intuitive Eating can sometimes be counterproductive when they feel like another kind of restriction or external set of rules.This means it's okay to eat some cookies even if I'm not hungry - I don't need to feel bad or guilty because I've broken an intuitive eating «rulIntuitive Eating can sometimes be counterproductive when they feel like another kind of restriction or external set of rules.This means it's okay to eat some cookies even if I'm not hungry - I don't need to feel bad or guilty because I've broken an intuitive eating «rulintuitive eating «rule.»
Please feel free leave suggestions in the Forum: Feedback & Suggestions about features that you would like to see in your Intuitive Eating Community!
The Food Peace ™ process is about reconnecting with your intuitive self and learning what that feeling of being always hungry really means.
But of course it's not how you look, it's how you feel, and feeling ones best is most important I use intuitive eating to maintain my weight and put on my tightest jeans about once a week!
© 2018 Contenko - Home - About - Contact - Privacy - Terms Portrait of an INFJ - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling) The Protector.
It's on a console with more than a few proper rhythm games which feel more intuitive to play, and honestly you'll pick up about as much Japanese from this game as you would while playing Project Diva with dual language subtitles on.
Far from being «crippled by unintuitive controls», the reality is that it's beautifully intuitive, and just about shades Virtua Tennis 2009 on Wii by simply having a more satisfying feel to it.
Everything about gathering and hunting felt very intuitive and flowed well, and my only real complaint with the gameplay was the fact that it felt a little groggy.
Thanks to an approachable, intuitive design by the Method design firm, Johnson says, «teachers can use the site without needing us to show them how, but after we've worked with them for an hour or two, they feel even more confident about using it.»
It works by teaching and reinforcing the intuitive philosophy that you feel good about yourself when you do positive actions.
Everything is designed to feel intuitive and simple — if you have to think too hard about it, something isn't right.
Nothing about the game's menus and overlay feels natural or intuitive.
About the touch controls specifically, they explain that the developers came up with a «carefully thought - out input scheme», that feels intuitive (instead of combative and / or frustrating).
The only real negative about the controls is the difficulty of jumping over islands - which was hugely improved in the sequel - other than that, it's not long before controlling Ecco smoothly feels pretty intuitive.
It's on a console with more than a few proper rhythm games which feel more intuitive to play, and honestly you'll pick up about as much Japanese from this game as you would while playing Project Diva with dual language subtitles on.
What probably won't feel familiar is the play control, which consists mostly of tilting the Wii Remote (held sideways) to let gravity move your collection of H2O appropriately; the cloud can also move up or down without having to worry about being pulled back to the ground — although I recommend switching from the default inverted controls for this in order to keep things intuitive.
Punch Club has a familiarity about it that feels so intuitive and easy to get into.
Works that are about the pleasures of paint, drawing, surface, material, color, feeling, sensuality, pure visual language, visual ideas, plastic space, beauty, and intuitive expressions are by and large left out.
Negligible concern was evinced about the possible impact of personal perspectives and intuitive feelings; possessing an understanding of the social context of the cases before them was not seen as part of sound decision - making.
Boston, MA About Blog Boston Intuitive, MaryLee Trettenero, uses her psychic abilities to help you to move forward feeling liberated, clear, and excited about your fuAbout Blog Boston Intuitive, MaryLee Trettenero, uses her psychic abilities to help you to move forward feeling liberated, clear, and excited about your fuabout your future.
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