Sentences with phrase «invented by man»

This source of child - joy, I learn, was invented by a man named Diemer, an accountant for the Fleer company, back in 1906.
John Adams, perhaps our most cantankerous founding father, viewed vice presidency as the «most insignificant office» ever invented by man.
TV is one the most commonly used devise ever invented by a man.
Classification Essay about Movies TV is one the most commonly used devise ever invented by a man.
We realise that we could add wholegrain pasta, wholegrain rice, wholegrain bread and couscous into our diet, however knowing that these are recent products invented by man over the past 10,000 years, we're beginning to think that it's better to exclude these altogether.
A ring sling is the only baby carrier invented by a man, Rayner Gardner in 1981.
Religion was invented by man to control the masses.
The notion of purpose derives also in part from our experience of machines and other artifacts invented by man in order to realize specific functions.
Religions were invented by man to attempt to understand what they couldn't comprehend.
Religion is invented by man, not by gods.
Those rules were invented by MAN, and have nothing to do with god.
We, who deserved to die for all the evil we have done in this world (and usually in the name of God), should have been the ones to go to one of the most painful and excruciating torture techniques invented by man — the Roman cross.
There is absolutely nothing, NOTHING, that distinguishes the Abrahamic God as more credible, or more likely to be real than any of the other Gods that almost all people agree were invented by man.
God was invented by man so that he could feel he has a force of infinite power on his side; to allow him to feel righteous in judging others who's patterns of living don't match their own; and to give us reassurance that there should be life after death.
I find your explanation of Allah interesting in light of another worldwide religion which was invented by a man who claimed that he saw / met an angel with golden pages readable only through special glasses, which disappeared and whose existence can never be proven that set down.
You just need to go one step further and include, Jehovah, Yahweh, the Christian God, Zeus, Jupiter, Ra, Vishnu and any other god invented by man.
this is not so as Yeshua In Hebrew can not be translated and let me say that Yeshua in Hebrew means Salvation and soter is greek for salvation so the christians didn't even have the decency to translate correctly and so there is no anglicised version on of isous and that is a completely invented by man and so a deception by the christians.
That's fine if you want to believe in a concept of heaven or hell which was INVENTED by man, but when you realize that there is nothing but oblivion with death, you won't care about such silly dogma.
The reason they are all different is that they are all invented by man.
Mormonism was invented by a man who pretended that god told him it was okay to have another wife any time a pretty young thing caught his eye.
Religion was invented by man because they are AFRAID.
You, on the other hand, have already assumed that intelligent design, which is a term coined and invented by man (as is god), is how we and the universe evolved.
The hundreds that no longer exist, the dozens of religions that currently exist or a «new» religion invented by man?
But there is no reason to think this god would just happen to be the Christian god or any other god invented by man.
Marriage is not a structure invented by man.
Your world is here and your God is invented by a man who was only a man.
That any of the millions of other gods, not yet invented by man, don't exist?
You said, «Their anger may come from the fact that they do not like the idea that they might have to be accountable to a higher authority (God) when they die and our witnessing to them reminds them of this event that they have to look forward to unless they repent and accept Jesus as their Savior before they die» Make sure that you also accept Thor, Zeus, Ra, and tens of thousands of other gods ever invented by man.
see what religion does... all in the name of some imaginary sky - daddy, who is nothing but just one of the thousands of «gods» invented by man over the course of human history.
jesus jokes mean most people aren't afraid of god and the people who want us to be afraid of god because HE»S NOT REAL and its funny to laugh at people who think he is real... religion was invented by men in power to control the masses.
A concept invented by men.
Most religions were invented by men and have been and are generally repressive to women.
This whole notion is hogwash invented by men to make themselves rich and powerful and make others fear them.
it is simply an acknowledgement of the innumerable gods that have been invented by men over the course of history.
God, always on the safe side, stationed one of his angels with a sword (because guns were not yet invented by men and for some curious reason angelic inventions seem to always lag one step behind human inventions) at the entrance of the garden to keep Adam and Eve and their little youngin's away.
Belief in a God who is all love and no wrath, all grace and no justice, all forgiveness and no condemnation is idolatry (worship of a false god invented by men), and it inevitably leads to universalism - which, of course, is what many liberal churches have been preaching for generations.
It continues to shake the foundations of all moral systems invented by men, it relativizes all social hierarchies, and, in the final analysis, it shows up the hollowness of all humanly constructed orders.
Invented by men, for their comfort, and nothing else.
(Look: The most famous such scene, of the creature bursting out of John Hurt's chest in Alien, wasn't just invented by men, director Ridley Scott and screenwriter Dan O'Bannon, but actually happens to a man.)
However, the knowledge that zero is an arbitrary point on a scale that represents the absence of value, which was invented by men, is critical to understanding mathematics and particularly, algebra.
I knew that my profession had been invented by men, and that men were in control of both our worlds, the one on earth, and the one in heaven.

Not exact matches

Even after man invented writing, the process of reproducing texts was both exclusive and labour - intensive; until at least the late Middle Ages, copying one by hand was as much an exercise in remembering its contents.
Any god fits your definition including ones invented by prehistoric man.
Not quite tallulah, all the other gods are man invented or possibly demonic.Every other idol god either mimics God and or requires a series of works to gain their favor.They are created by men to appease the inner knowledge of God, but all fall short of the creator God.You can not work your way into Gods good graces, you can only be saved by faith through grace.God alone has resolved the sin problem we all suffer from, in the selfless sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.It is by accepting Jesus» redemption for us that allows us to be reconciled with God.God bless
After all he was invented by white business men.
A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell - mouths mercy, and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
a first century palestinian man wouldnt look like the tall thin caucasian with long straight dark hair — an image invented by medeval europe.
Religion was invented because man was afraid of his own ignorance of science, so he explained it away by making up a fairy tale.
There have been thousands of gods invented and worshiped by man.
God gives knowledge and Man invents religion and covers the knowledge given by God.
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