Sentences with phrase «invented by physicists»

The strong anthropic principle wasn't invented by physicists.
The tilings invented by the physicist...

Not exact matches

It's a mistake to think of the multiverse as a theory, invented by desperate physicists at the end of their imaginative ropes.
The grooved structure of the peacock feathers splits light in the same way as a diffraction grating, a tool invented by 19th - century physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer to discern the nature of sunlight.
Meanwhile, spurred in part by Ising's difficulties, physicists invented plenty of other spin models.
The Ising model was the first spin model, invented in 1920 by German physicist Wilhelm Lenz, who gave it to his student Ernst Ising to analyze.
Holographic atomic memory, invented and constructed by physicists from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, is the first device able to generate single photons on demand in groups of several dozen or more.
The AFM was invented in the mid 1980s by Gerd Binnig, Christoph Gerber and Calvin Quate, three physicists who are sharing the 2016 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience.
French physicist Denis Papin invented pressure cooking in 1679 when he discovered how to cook food faster by increasing pressure inside the pot.
One example being a recreation of a cyanometer, a device invented in 1789 by Swiss physicist Bénédict de Saussure used to measure the blueness of the sky.
Slow motion has been around since the early 1900s, when it was invented by an Austrian physicist and priest August Musger, who used mirrors (but no smoke).
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