Sentences with phrase «invest substantial effort»

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«We have invested substantial sums in the housing stock and there has been a huge effort to address problems with waste, fly tipping and other environmental issues.
Jones describes an additional assignation of «guarantor» which would identify persons who invest substantial intellectual and practical effort in the research, and who are publicly responsible for ensuring the integrity of the entire project and the final publication.
The members of one of the largest generations, Millennials, 5 are moving into prime decision - making time for aligning their investing beliefs with their values, and they are making substantial efforts to reshape corporate behavior and to have their voices heard through various forms of activism.
Substantial effort is also invested in ensuring that the theme's modelling capability evolves in concert with improvements in hydrologic science and technology.
Thguidance document calls for the Asia - Pacific region to work together to raise and channel more substantial financial resources to invest in the social sector, infrastructure development and efforts to tackle climate change in order to ensure a transformative change to bring about inclusive growth and sustainable development.
People invest the substantial amounts of time and effort (and money) involved in running a blog to fulfill personal agendas.
The IMC continued: «That decision and the efforts invested by the leadership of the republican movement in presenting the arguments in favour of the change were further substantial evidence of their commitment to the democratic process.»
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