Sentences with phrase «invested in particular sets»

Not exact matches

The department should set a goal of investing $ 200 million a year in such activities, the president declared, giving Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos the job of «helping districts recruit and train [STEM teachers], focusing in particular on computer science.»
While a diverse set of approaches are needed to achieve lion conservation, it is clear that investing in improved management of PAs has particular potential to boost the conservation prospects for lions.»
The cash value investment options are similar to mutual funds in that there's a particular set of securities that the money would be invested in, such as:
The types of securities that a particular fund may invest in are set forth in the fund's prospectus, a legal document which describes the fund's investment objective, investment approach and permitted investments.
The cash value investment options are similar to mutual funds in that there's a particular set of securities that the money would be invested in, such as:
These include the nature of the programme offered, how it is delivered, perceptions of the parents as to whether the programme is a culturally appropriate and potentially useful one for dealing with their concerns, how much time they will need to invest and the pay off they anticipate relative to other uses of their time.10, 11,35,48 Most parenting programmes usually are delivered in only one format (e.g. parent groups), have fixed length (e.g. between 8 and 15 sessions), and are designed for one particular setting (e.g. clinic or school).
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