Sentences with phrase «investigative approach»

But to get information from some kids you have to take a very detailed investigative approach.
It remains to be seen how those clues might be used to target other investigative approaches.
While Holzer uses declassified information as a literal medium within her iconic works, Simon and Paglen take investigative approaches to bring the otherwise hidden into the visual realm through photography — Simon, obtaining access to documents from obscure U.S. facilities and institutions, and Paglen, undertaking intensive research processes to capture classified activities as they appear in sky and space.
I sympathise with the fact that you can't be an expert in everything, but the lack of investigative approach certainly does cause more problems.
«[Abstract expressionists] function quite a bit like scientists,» says Dr. Kandel, «in that they use investigative approaches — reductionist approaches — in their art.
Nick on the other hand, believes in a more investigative approach.
Investigative approaches through a range of variables were modelled before students designed tests to compare consumer products.
Her work does not so much form a body as a web, an array of instantiations of a very particular worldview and a very particular investigative approach.
Barnett's investigative approach utilizes varied strategies of communication and visual design to foster an evocative and conceptually rigorous practice.
Primarily because most people are taught religious ideas as children and because often these ideas are given a seriousness and a sacredness that precludes an open and investigative approach to them.
He continued: «He also raises concerns as to whether elements of the investigative approach meet current policy and best practice.
The AG's report further suggests the Troy police department should overhaul its investigative approach to officer - involved shootings; abstain from prejudging (and publicly announcing) the results of an investigation before it has been completed; make broad efforts to identify and promptly speak with all civilian witnesses; and properly train investiagtors in the evaluation of evidence, as well as reaching out to outside experts when questions arise.
In the Nature Medicine paper, titled, Bone marrow - derived immature myeloid cells are a main source of circulating suPAR contributing to proteinuric kidney disease, the suPAR researchers suggested that their discovery and their investigative approach owed much to the work of other investigators and might prove useful for researchers investigating other diseases that appear to arise spontaneously in certain individuals for no discernible reason.
The integrating factor can be a disease, biologic pathway, investigative approach, or problem in society.
It's an «investigative approach», and so there...
He takes a quiet, investigative approach to any intrusions.
An investigative approach to equine skin care is your best defense.
Even taking a slow, methodical, investigative approach to the episode still yields a remarkably short pameplay experience.
A — DASH aims to encourage innovative and investigative approaches, crossing borders between different creative disciplines, cultural identities, geographical locations, political economies, crafts and new technologies.
02.11.2018 — March 2019 The exhibition takes an investigative approach to Estonian art history of the 1990s, examining some of its less - known and ignored aspects.
Alexander Calder and Joan Miró did not collaborate or engage in artistic exchange throughout their careers; however, their scientific and investigative approaches to art making contain undeniable parallels.
A methodical, careful, investigative approach is paired with an experimental and lyrical sensibility in the work of this rather atypical artist.
Below, we were able to learn more about his investigative approach and the motives behind the work that he creates.
Unrestrained by subject matter or media, she takes an investigative approach to produce a diverse and holistic body of work addressing notions of cultural history, sexuality, violence, ornamentation, devotion and faith.
Some people took an investigative approach, seeing the artworks as puzzles to solve or conditions that would reveal more through attention and interest.
From seminal works by Ed Ruscha, Bruce Naumann, Barry Le Va, and David Hammons to recent works by Paul McCarthy, Sharon Lockhart, James Luna, and Anthony Hernandez, this art declares that it is about more than meets the eye, raising the suspicion that a significant segment of contemporary art is concerned with forensic strategies and demands an investigative approach.
In an industry where market sales and branding can pigeonhole an artist into one aspect of their creative expression, letting go and changing up one's investigative approach and work is no easy feat.
Curator Melissa Rachleff, the Clinical Associate Professor of Art Management, Visual Arts Administration MA Program at New York University, has taken an investigative approach to curating and assembled an exhibition that is almost an art forensics of the period.
It involves more legwork, and taking an investigative approach — not waiting for a carefully prepared submission to drop into your lap, or taking a call from an eager PR rep.
An analytical, investigative approach was required, as well as practical knowledge of SME lending.
The DNB's investigative approach to virtual currencies is not surprising, given that the Dutch government has been actively pursuing the integration of blockchain technology for years.
Founded by an award - winning investigative journalist, the firm takes an investigative approach to search engagements, uncovering top talent others miss and delivering candidates faster and more cost - effectively than traditional search firms.
Background Info USA takes an investigative approach when conducting a background screening search.
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