Sentences with phrase «investors against these systems»

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Often when a «formula» or «system» works, no matter what system it is, investors have a way of mucking it up by doing things that go against the strategy.
The thoughtful, detailed analysis and judgment of the proposed move by the federal government to create a national securities regulator shows how little improvement there really is likely to be for the individual investor in solving key problems: high fees for mutual funds, costly access to government of Canada securities, lack of fiduciary responsibility by the industry towards investors, inadequate civil court recourse against misbehaving financial firms, priority given to financial system protection over investor interests.
The trading system is set up against the small investor.
Rather, I think that individual investors should take his research seriously and develop systems to guard against the biases that he elucidates.
In short, my own use of the word «system» is generally not used in any pejorative sense, but is merely reinforcing that for myself, professional planners, and for successful investors, the need to decide ahead of time what the philosophy and such is, will be your best guard against just what you appear to be doing — deciding ad hoc and on a real time basis, and without a pre-thought formal plan, whether to recommend buying, selling, or staying put.
I understand the premise of your piece, but the whole system is stacked against the typical investor.
Just as with human rights law, investor protection ought to provide relief against exceptional abuses even within systems of law that are not formally deficient.
Legal claims brought against a Sovereign State or its instrumentalities by a foreign investor under a bilateral or multilateral investment treaty, or a contract or a domestic investment law, require a legal team of the highest international caliber: with great expertise in international law, a deep understanding of the civil and common law systems, extensive experience in the various fora and rules under which claims are raised, an enhanced capability to analyze complex facts and industries, broad language abilities, and sensitivity to political and cultural issues in the various regions of the world.
«We don't think Apple needs to compete aggressively on price against mini-tablets» running Google's Android operating system, Choi said in a note to investors.
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