Sentences with phrase «investors at the mercy»

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Until recently considered a safe bet, with many investors «overweight» on Russian assets, the country's markets now appear at the mercy of the U.S. Treasury, whose deployment of punitive economic measures Friday was its most severe yet.
Until recently considered a safe bet, with many investors «overweight» on Russian assets, the country's markets now appear at the mercy of the U.S. Treasury.
He noted that until the SEC mandates professional - level searches, similar to what it demands of underwriters in public stock offerings, investors are at the mercy of the sites they visit.
Large institutional investors have long been at the mercy of flash traders who use computers to make thousands of trades a second, skimming off tiny bits of profit from pension and retirement accounts.
Unless investors make the effort to become educated about investing, they are at the mercy of the financial industry and media that are primarily interested in making money from the investor rather than for the investor.
Although partially caused by the logjam described above, where mortgage servicing companies are at the mercy of mortgage investors» requirements, there must be some way for FHA.
But there are still a lot of misunderstandings out there, like this one: a bond index fund is a black box that robotically buys and sells bonds at the mercy of active investors.
We are not at the mercy of other investors who may not share our interest.
It's important for new index investors to understand that the strategy guarantees simplicity and low fees, but it's still at the mercy of Mr. Market.
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