Sentences with phrase «invite us over once»

Just be sure to invite us over once you get cooking!

Not exact matches

Plus, once you befriend some locals, you may be invited over for dinner.
«We bought the place and once we'd cleaned it up, we started inviting friends over for barbecues in the space,» recalls Yamaguchi.
To settle the question once and for all, a friend of Allen's invited Monahan to Cincinnati to compete against Allen in a talkathon over a local television station.
Once you get the laundry done and your house totally clean, just invite them over.
Through interactive activities and sharing about their pregnancies and health every week at the beginning of each class, people get to know one another and are invited to form a reunion group once the class is over.
Once all the back - to - school clothes shopping is done, have your child invite friends over for a fashion show.
Once appointed by the monarch (in the ceremony known anachronistically as the «kissing of the hands»), the Prime Minister has absolute discretion over who will be invited to become Ministers, what direction the Government and country will take and how the departments of government will be structured.
When Kalliopi Kalaitzi was invited to attend a 1 - month medical training course in Germany in 2013, she expected that she would return to her home country of Greece once it was over.
Once you receive this kind of invite card with one of the following dress code phrases, you probably should think over your wedding look.
IronFish once said to me, «Don't invite your friends over for coffee, or you won't have any friends left!»
Also, chat with a couple of cougars or single woman initially and once you have found your ideal partner, you can discontinue chat with others and invite your favorite cougar over dinner or date.
Once a year, invite yourson or daughter's teacher over to your house.
«Once states had developed the framework to take a snapshot of student skills each year, as the law requires, I invited them to join me in combining those static measurements to demonstrate progress over time.
The nation's second - largest school system is once again inviting bidders to take over poorly performing and new campuses, in a school - control process that is, once again, pitting teachers and their union against independently operated charter schools, most of which are nonunion.
It means local authorities do not have as much control over the creation of new schools and places as they once did, although they can invite bids for free schools and academies in their areas.
Here's all the details of how BBM Music will add to your BlackBerry experience: — Build your music profile from a Catalog of millions of tracks (with more to be added over the coming weeks)-- Invite friends to BBM Music from your BBM contacts and gain access to their music and share your music (once they subscribe or join the free trial)-- Create playlists from your BBM Music songs plus your friends» songs — Share playlists or single songs with BBM Music friends — Follow your friends» BBM Music activity via timelines and comments, or start up a BBM chat about your favorite bands — Cache music for easy offline listening — Seamless integration with other BlackBerry music services
Gradual exposure is better than flooding your dog with triggers and stimuli, so if your dog goes bananas or gets distracted by dogs, try one or two dogs in the surroundings first, rather than a ton at once (i.e.: invite a friend and their dog over for a play date and start off with some distraction training before playtime.
Instead of inviting the entire neighborhood over at once, start with just a couple of new people at a time.
And don't forget to maintain your own improved social life by inviting your friends over at least once a week, just to keep them still involved in training your dog.
Extending across the entirety of the museum, the exhibition allows for free association between artists and the themes they address: at once playful and dynamic, works from Ryan Gander, Institute for New Feeling, Liu Wa, and Yangzi invite audiences to explore a wealth of possibilities through combinations of meditation and wry humor; classical mediums of sculpture and painting are reinvented by Yngve Holen and Austin Lee; insidious implications of our hi - tech society are skewered by Lawrence Abu Hamdan and aaajiao; the powers of synthetic materials over human desire are brought to the fore by Sean Raspet and Pamela Rosenkranz; and products of Internet culture are given to refined study with Gillian Wearing and Amalia Ulman.
Daniel Richter's resume is the equivalent of cooking an 8 course meal, setting the table cloth, taking out fancy silverware, uncorking an expensive bottle of wine, inviting the guests over, and then realizing that you forgot to turn the oven on once everyone arrives.
You're not expected to make a return gesture quickly, but once you settle in, invite some of your neighbors over for a small «happy hour» or weekend barbeque, and just get to know them a little better.
Do it once, then do it again In her poem, If I Had My Life To Live Over, Erma Bombeck writes, «I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, the sofa faded&raqOver, Erma Bombeck writes, «I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, the sofa faded&raqover to dinner even if the carpet was stained, the sofa faded».
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