Sentences with phrase «involuntary responses»

Coping with terrorism: Age and gender differences in effortful and involuntary responses to September 11th.
I believe this stems from the limbic portion of the brain, which controls involuntary responses among other things.
Women are far more susceptible to these involuntary responses because they are more deeply primal in physical makeup than are men.
Effortful disengagement responses are controlled responses that are directed away from a problem and include avoiding the stressful situation or denying that there's a problem; involuntary responses can include uncontrollable engagement with a problem (e.g., ruminating) or uncontrollable disengagement from a problem (e.g., feeling numb and unable to think about it).
This condition, to be brief, it's an involuntary response for the breasts to release milk from the nipples.
These spells are an involuntary response to strong emotions (like being angry, scared, or frustrated) and tend to happen in healthy children.
The Moro reflex, also known as the startle reflex, is an involuntary response that is present at birth and usually disappears between the ages of 3 to 6 months.
This is because serotonin, in reality, is an innate stress hormone that triggers the «fight or flight» response in the brain, which is a natural, involuntary response meant to save us from mortal danger.
My first involuntary response was, «Is he serious?»
More than just the twitching of thumbs and fingers and whatever necessary input the game requires, but the involuntary response that comes out the gameplay.
That is, until one of the answers («applejack») triggers off an involuntary response in Dexter to report various figures on some kind of operation.
More than just the twitching of thumbs and fingers and whatever necessary input the game requires, but the involuntary response that comes out the gameplay.
Other canvases are located between these unextremist extremes — Briggs is not trying to blow painting to smithereens or starve it into submission — but rather make emphatically material visual objects that sustain the curious observer's involuntary response, which is to squint, knit their brows and say to themselves «What's that?»
This episode takes a wide - angle look at attachment throughout one's life, discusses how one's environment affects their system's involuntary response to stress, and how that stress response system impacts us from infancy to the autumn years.

Not exact matches

Research has shown that pets have a positive effect on cardiovascular health, blood pressure, and involuntary stress responses.
Microexpressions are those fraction - of - a-second expressions that sweep across our face as an involuntary, subconscious response to something.
Discovering that you can control the «involuntary» response of the sympathetic nervous system (which regulates skin temperature) by intentionally relaxing, can enhance the awareness, «I'm in charge of me, including my body!»
Simply put, hiccups are an involuntary physiological response.
Kret speculates that the involuntary changing of pupil size in response to looking at someone else may be a subconscious attempt to reinforce bonding by showing you are interested in them, or share an emotional state.
Apparent death, as it is scientifically called, is an involuntary physiological response similar to fainting that causes the opossum to appear and smell like a dead or dying animal, thereby deterring predators who generally prefer live prey.
But conditioned responses in captive, trained animals may not necessarily translate to involuntary pleasure sounds in wild animals, he adds.
Further highlighting the relationships between peer victimization and children's developing stress responses, the study found that when peer victimization decreased during elementary school, girls» effortful engagement rose significantly and their involuntary disengagement fell.
An added benefit is that MenAfriVac ® also boosts protective immune responses to tetanus, a painful bacterial disease that can cause involuntary muscle tightening and spasms sometimes strong enough to fracture bones and even cause death.
In response, many states have passed smoke - free air laws that prohibit smoking in all indoor areas of a venue, fully protecting nonsmokers from involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke.
Most mammals produce facial expressions — such expressions are considered an important part of an animal's behavioural repertoire — but it has long been assumed that animal facial expressions, including some human facial expressions, are involuntary and dependent on an individual's emotional state rather than being flexible responses to the audience
While stress starts out as a thought in response to an event or circumstance, it swiftly dominoes into an involuntary physiological response.
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) refers to the involuntary leaking of urine in response to physical stress and one of the most common forms of incontinence.
Director Randall Miller and producer Jody Savin previously entered the same plea in response to charges of involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespass
Does the sight of these students in the hallways induce some sort of an involuntary physical response in you, perhaps gastrointestinal?
Schneps, M., Rose, L.T., Martinez - Conde, S., & Pomplun, M. Covert orienting reflex: Involuntary pupil pupil response predicts microsaccade production.
The behavior the dog engages in is involuntary (physiologic or emotional responses are automatic reflexes)
It will measure involuntary nerve response to an auditory signal.
Apart from that some dogs may develop psychological and behavioral problems due to an owner's response over involuntary defecation in unusual places.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia can come on suddenly and include: loss of appetite, trembling, weakness, increased urination and thirst, cold - white gums (vs. warm, pink gums), behavioral changes, lack of energy, response time and coordination; as well as involuntary twitching, seizures and partial paralysis of hindquarters.
«I am particularly interested in the metaphysical aspects of painting; achieving that special quality of formal unity which can instil an almost involuntary yet visually intelligent response from the viewer... for me, tying painting into the realm of the «visual» holds it somewhat apart from the image dominated world of the merely «visible»
People who thrash and yell are experiencing aquatic distress, which then leads to the Involuntary Drowning Response, the real killer.
The Involuntary Drowning Response is silent, which is what makes it so deadly.
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