Sentences with phrase «involve destruction of human embryos»

In August, federally funded work on stem cells was temporarily suspended after a judge ruled that work on hESCs violates a legal amendment in 1995 forbidding funding of any experiments that involve destruction of human embryos.
For that matter, even when perfected, this method will always involve the destruction of a human embryo, the one whose nucleus is removed.
Five days earlier, 70 House members led by abortion opponent Jay Dickey (R - AR) had written an equally harsh letter to Shalala, complaining that HHS is misreading a recent law that bans U.S. funding of research that involves the destruction of human embryos.
At first blush, these words, known as the Dickey - Wicker Amendment, might appear to prohibit government funding of ESC research altogether, because ESC research necessarily involves the destruction of human embryos.

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ANT - OAR accomplishes this same goal, however, by using an approach that does not involve the generation and destruction of human embryos.
«There are perfectly ethical ways of obtaining stem cells to cure disease, which do not involve embryo destruction, so no matter what moral value one places on the human embryo, we do not need to use it.»
By Young Chung, Irina Klimanskaya, Sandy Becker, Tong Li, Marc Maserati, Shi - Jiang Lu, Tamara Zdravkovic, Dusko Ilic, Olga Genbacev, Susan Fisher, Ana Krtolica, and Robert Lanza To date, the derivation of all human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines has involved destruction of embryos.
He could have left the funding of research involving cell lines created by the destruction of human embryos in place, and led the charge to promote ethically unproblematic non-embryo-destructive forms of stem cell science.
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