Sentences with phrase «involve evil actions»

These various statements of the limiting criteria differ from one another, and Ignatieff's readers must figure out for themselves where they come from, why these criteria and not others should be employed, and what it might mean in practice to design defenses against terror that involve evil actions whose punishment may be mitigated by the extreme circumstances.
Many people believe along with the pacifists that war does indeed necessarily involve evil actions and so any attempt to impose a moral standard on our conduct is doomed from the start.

Not exact matches

I often ask my wife if what i did or said was evil and i more often then not get «yes» so as i said before, i believe its a matter of perspective of those involved and the society it takes place in — but now in the modern day where your actions are on youtube in a seconds notice — the world is the final judge... and that does» t bode well for the U.S.
Social action groups are excellent for couples in this stage, keeping them involved with problems and perspectives beyond themselves, while using their aggressive energy to help reduce a social evil and make it a better world.
The first third of Clockstoppers is an interminable high school comedy ending with a DJ showdown, the second third of the film is Zak on the run from evil corporate drones led by Michael Biehn, and the final third of the film is an infiltration of the evil corporation ending in a ludicrous action sequence and capped by a Back to the Future resolution involving a shiny new car and a nubile young lass.
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