Sentences with phrase «involve isometric contractions»

«Poses that involve isometric contractions with jump transitions between asanas would be expected to increase overall energy cost and intensity,» the researchers write.
It involves an isometric contraction of the transversus abdominis, and practising it often enough will help you shrink your waistline and improve the performance of your abs in less time than any other exercise.

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PNF tightly combines isometric and static stretching to create a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the targeted muscle.
Rather than being a flowing or vinyasa style of yoga, the Bikram series is more static as the body is moved into and held in a particular position resulting in isometric contraction of the involved muscles.
The svend press is an original exercise that involves pushing a plate away from your body in a standing position, enabling powerful isometric contractions of the pecs.
The tests are performed individually and involve a static, timed, isometric contraction of the core muscles stabilizing the spine until the individual exhibits fatigue.
Isometric exercises — exercises that involve muscle contractions with no movement, such as clasping your hands and pressing your arms together — can be a great way to start resistance training.
It also gets worked indirectly via isometric contraction in exercises involving a supinated grip (e.g. barbell curls, underhand rows, chin ups).
More specifically, most PNF stretches involve a shortening contraction of the opposing muscle followed by an isometric contraction of the target muscle.
Maybe we even got like mocji can put it to where like it will resist you so much that you're pretty much just doing like a max effort isometric contraction and you can program it to only have resistance when you're going to the negative portion of the lift or only have resistance when you're going to the positive effort of the lift and there's no eccentric contraction involve.
An isometric exercise is a form of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint.
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